Sanctuary is basically out because of Shield (I think shield is more useful)
Teleportation would be a little redundant because of Fast Travel.
Well for first stop think about such spells like they was directly ported from Morrowind, spell effects if returns must be redone
For example Sanctuary can work like ghost dodge from
Duke Patrick's Combat Magic
In such way sanctuary will be different from shield, Sanctuary more like timed parry while Shield spell work like Shield :wink_smile:
Teleportation also different from fast travel, for first we can mark any place by self and recall to it even if such place somewhere in the same cell what impossible with fast travel, for second teleportation can work during combat and don't take much time (useful if there is timed event or character has basic needs)
Imagine mark&recall work like blink spell for enemy mage in trouble when player is close to them they cast teleportation and change their dislocation around player does mage become more interesting in combat?
Even Divine intervention can work, but like long time enchant thats teleport player if he reaches final blow from enemy or deadly danger to safe chapel of divine, ofcose such spell effect can be restricted to spell and work as service from Divine Chapels and cost much money, and can be disabled by scripts or dispelled with powerful Dispel Spell
Sound spell can work like noise spell thats generate noise were is placed as rune or when struck surface, when directly strike enemy it can overwhelm enemy for short period, such spell can work as component of traps on locks Alarming all NPC in some radius.
Levitation SlowFall and Jump can work as one spell like Alter Gravity spell
At Novice level its work like feather spell on self, as burden at enemy, as gravitation trap thats slowing enemy on ground and charge will allow Jump at two times higher then normal jump, when channeled spell allow Slowfall, as channeled spell can be interrupted by lucky strike of enemy or (battle mages can have special training for reducing such chances thats can be implemented with perk) or with spell like Burden or paralyze or can be cleansed with Dispel or when Magicka is not sufficient for work of spell, channeled spells use different amounts of Magicka when it not sufficient its downgrades to lower perk for example mage has 150 Magicka float use 50 for cast and 5 drain for each second when Magicka lowered under 50 float will be changed with slowfall, additional checks can be added like check of player Fatigue and level of Encumbrance when Over-encumbered for example can become Burdened but instead of levitation will only allow float.
At Apprentice level when Mage understood Alternation better, Magnitude of Feather will rise, Magnitude of Burden rise, gravitation trap thats maximum burden enemy he still can attack but cant move and sink in water, charge will allow Jump at three times higher then normal jump, Mage can walk on water and don't crumble ice during channeling, but receive damage from walking over magma or another dangerous substance.
At Journeyman level Magnitude of Feather will rise, Magnitude of Burden rise more, gravitation trap thats paralyze enemy, charge will allow jump four times higher then normal jump, channel will allow float like a Lich and strafe backward without penalty, floating not allow change altitude higher then one jump height or half of it, anything higher will slowly decrease with Slowfal to one jump height or half of it, but can float over dangerous environment like lava and pits don't trigger pressure plates or similar traps.
At Expert level Magnitude of Feather will rise, Magnitude of Burden rise more, gravitation trap thats thats additionally squash enemy at end of duration, charge will allow jump five times higher then normal jump, channel will allow Levitate with both hand if another hand was equipped with something else not with gravitation spell player lose ability to rise altitude and start slow fall if spell was removed from both hands player will fall fast as normally, levitation use much more Magicka then float or water walk for cast and can drain more for sustaining.
At Master level Magnitude of Feather will rise, Magnitude of Burden rise more, gravitation trap thats rise and fall enemy into air at end of duration, charge will allow jump six times higher then normal jump, channel will allow Levitate with one hand.
With skill levels in Alternations school power of Burden and Feather will rise automatically as base spell, while channeling, charge and traps can require additional perks and added by perks dynamically by scripts into base spell when spell casted, all previous spell effects staked in higher level spell so for example Apprentice can both slowfall and and waterwalk, such way will allow remove from casted spell effects in restricted areas or trigger zones so there can be places where such magic negated like Mournhold in Morrowind just with simple script or create enemies thats invulnerable for such effect but can be harmed by other effects from that spell.