Lets design Levitation Spell for new magic system thats allow employ spells in different ways, since new spells have some sort of embedded script effect so we can add also more checks for conditions (I believe we still can create spells in CS from spell effects just all spells in game are combinations of spell effect and scripts and custom spell creation not available in-game)
For instance, you could blast enemies with a flame ball from afar, hold the button down to wield the spell like a flame thrower, place a rune on the ground to create an environmental trap that spontaneously combusts when an enemy steps on it, or equip the spell with both hands to deliver high damage fireball attacks that drain your magicka reserves quickly.
New Levitate can combine spell effects like
Levitate (arena like) This spell allows the caster to float slightly above the ground for duration of spell. Floating thus the caster can traverse pits, lava flows, or water chasms.
Levitate (morrowind like)
For example
Mode 1 Cast on self with one hand
Allow float over obstacles like pits, lava flows, or water chasms on small altitude with slow constant decreasing of altitude to the end of spell, weight of equipment decreased, player can freely move backward without penalty (similar to lich float in oblivion) speed the same that %PCname has.
Mode 2 Cast on self with two hands
Jump high from ground and alter altitude in air and better levitation for %PCname you can fly in any directions channeling high magicka drain you cant use bows or two-handed weapon in this mode, enemy can disturb your meditation by strike try to evade attacks player loose levitation and fall down until spell is not recasted on self, over-encumbrance, changing hand for another spell or one-handed weapon will change spell behavior to mode one.
Mode 3 Cast target one hand
Make target float in mid-air (make large weight target movable by telekineses) or not allow target to fall,
on enemy work like burden, If spell pushes the encumbrance level past its maximum value, the target becomes immobile. It will therefore be prevented from moving, and will be a sitting duck for pounding with ranged weapons, spells, or even melee weapons with a higher reach than the one it has, swimming enemies drown in water or flying enemies casted down from heaven.
Mode 4 Cast on ground
Make trap thats set enemy immobile by fully burden him trap casted with two hands set enemy high fly and drop them down at end.