Don't worry I read your post, I just want someone to answer that properly without dancing around it and telling me I don't know what Im talking about, I see better replies to flaming trolls than anything I bring forward as if Im talking with crap in my mouth.
Its gonna lose its "feeling" real quick with only 85 spells across 5 schools.
[In regards to Enchanting-Repair-Smithing-Alechemy]
Well, I'll address your first point then, because that is legitimate. And you're right, they're not different, but I wasn't aware it was implied they were. Ask me how I think those features should be handled, if you want my opinion there.
As for, losing it's "Feeling", right now we can both only draw assumptions, and you know what they say about those right?
But for sake of a progressive debate, I'll draw comparisons from Morrowind, My favorite entry. In Morrowind, Magic felt so empty. It was simply scrolling through a list, and pressing a button at your targeted foe. Nothing more. That's bland, but to be fair, the melee combat was much the same. Pick your weapon from a list, and slash slash slash. Even though Morrowind was my favorite game of all time, I can proudly say, it had some of the worst combat mechanics of any game in it's prestige level, and even some well below it.
DIsclaimer: All Assumptions, based on information that is very much open to interpretation.
Skyrim is at least trying to break the "List and cast" model for magic. By applying tactical and dynamic magic combos, as well as a more context-sensitive approach, rather than simply selecting your desired range-effect from a list. This puts the player in a position of seemingly more control, instead of making it feel like the game has control, as it would in a drop-list of effects.
If that makes a little sense, I'm justifying the overall change, rather than the removal of spellmaking itself. If I, personally, had to choose between the spellmaking feature, and dynamic magic combat, I'd definitely choose the dynamic magic combat, I assume you wouldn't? If so, why not?
Like Omega said, where are all the people that think enchanting is too spreadsheety, its basically the same thing. In fact they seem to be making it more complex and 'spreadsheety'. Not to mention I haven't insulted anybody.
I personally just think you're trying to be coy now. It was pretty obvious you were intending to suggest I "Wasn't clever enough" To think up my own anology, instead using Todd's astute, albeit, overused "Spreadsheet" anolysis. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt, because a lot of nuance is lost in forums, so I could very well be wrong in that assumption.