1 spell, multiple ways of delilvering it. Possible?

Post » Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:24 pm


I've had an idea for a while but I'm not sure if it's possible.

I want to create an spell that can be casted in different ways depending on how you press the cast button. For example:

- click, hold, then release the cast button: a single-target projectile spell is casted.

- double-click, hold, then release the cast button: an aoe projectile spell is casted.

I know you can distinguish between clicks and double-clicks by playing with the OnKeyUp and OnKeyDown SKSE functions. What I'm not so sure about is what event should I use to trigger the scripts, and where should those scripts be attached (player alias? the custom spell? the custom magic effects?)

Thanks in advance for any help!

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David John Hunter
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Post » Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:37 am

It might be less confusing to have single target to one key and aoe to another key. Just a thought.

You could even expand on this and have multiple spells work from this. So, C could be single target and V multiple target with any spell that is selected. Although I am sure you want the AoE to do less damage per enemy than a single target would get and that would be tricky to pull off.

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:44 am

Having separate keys for each delivery system is precisely what I want to avoid. That's basically how vanilla spells work (one hotkey for firebolt, another for fireball, yet another for fire rune...).

I believe that when a game that features real-time combat requires the player to keep track of so many keys, the player ends up using as few spells as possible in order to minimize switching. On the other hand pressing a single key differently (single click vs double click) provides the same flexibility of using two hotkeys without the drawbacks of having to remember two buttons.

The idea of having universal hotkeys that turn any spell into a aoe version/on self version of itself is interessting though. I played Magicka a long time ago; didn't that game feature such system?

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Ashley Campos
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