spell names!

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 pm

what has been your coolest spell/enchantment name? I can name 2 of mine:

1 I. AM. JESUS!!!- a water walking spell

2 smarty pants- fortify intellegence pants
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:56 am

I like Lich Leech, which is a massive combo area long duration absorb spell
And my claymore enchanted with all the 3 elemental damages called "Fury of Kyne"
There is not a doubt in my mind that everyone else, like me, has a ring enchanted with chameleon titled: The One Ring
On a less serious note I have:
FALCON PUNCH - fortify hand to hand and strength 100 points for short duration
BOW DOWN - super long duration and area on target paralyze spell that cost around 650-800 magicka at 100 illusion
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:44 pm

Call of Booty - summon Flame Atronarch for 120 seconds

Ugly Stick - Warhammer enchanted with Damage Health and Damage Personality
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:41 pm


Soul Trap 4 secs on Touch
Paralyze 1 sec on Touch
Damage Health 8 for 3 secs
Fire Damage 24 for 3 secs
Frost Damage 24 for 3 secs
Shock Damage 24 for 3 secs
Light 10 in 5 feet for 4 secs
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:05 pm

I do not go for whiz bang sounding spell names. After a while I forget what each does. Instead I use a standard naming convention for all my spells that gives the type of effect, range, damage, duration, etc... For example Frost Area 15ft 10pts 2sec
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:35 am

Imma make a series of Metal Song based spells and gear when I get around to it lol.
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James Rhead
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:10 am

I do not go for whiz bang sounding spell names. After a while I forget what each does. Instead I use a standard naming convention for all my spells that gives the type of effect, range, damage, duration, etc... For example Frost Area 15ft 10pts 2sec

Similarly, mine are named in a code that lets me see at a glance exactly what they do and places them where I want them in my character's spellbook.

A typical spell might be named: +S Clannfearx20 /Invisx20

Or: +R DrnSpd100x1 /WTP100x8 /STx35 /T8 / T35
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:49 am

For some reason when I'm playing I can never come up with clever, legendary names
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:30 pm

1 I. AM. JESUS!!!- a water walking spell

There is not a doubt in my mind that everyone else, like me, has a ring enchanted with chameleon titled: The One Ring

Ugly Stick - Warhammer enchanted with Damage Health and Damage Personality

These are great.

I think technically, the only spell I've ever made has been one called "Open Very Hard Lock". Guess what it did.
Here are some spell ideas for the future
A reflect damage spell called "An eye for an eye"
A frenzy spell called "Middle finger"
A conjure (creature) spell called, "(creature name), I choose you!"
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:13 pm

Similarly, mine are named in a code that lets me see at a glance exactly what they do and places them where I want them in my character's spellbook.

A typical spell might be named: +S Clannfearx20 /Invisx20

Or: +R DrnSpd100x1 /WTP100x8 /STx35 /T8 / T35

Wow. That's some serious spell naming going on there...

I usually go with cool names...or I just go with the default, it never bothers me, really.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:15 am

Ultimate Insult - Frenzy level 25

Soul Reaper - Soultrap + 100 Drain Health

Crowd Control - 10 Absorb Health for 10 seconds in 10 feet

Winter Wave - 10 Frost Damage in 15 feet for 10 seconds, can't miss

Doom Blast - 100 Fire Damage + 100 Frost Damage + 100 Shock Damage + 100 Damage Health +100 Drain Health in 15 feet area

That last one might seem like overkill, but it actually came in very handy when I played the Rise of Sheogorath mod. When I was conquering the cities of Cyrodiil the defending guards would always form tight cluster formation allowing me to take out a dozen of them with 1 spell. The Golden Saints and Dark Seducers didn't really have much to do at all. :evil:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:56 am

DEATH STAR - Shock Damage on Target (can't remember what the damage was, it was a couple of games ago)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:54 am

Over the past 5 years, I've made tons of spell and enchantments. The ones I can recall are:

Cold Shoulder - Frost Damage 25 points
The Flamer - Fire Damage 25 points
The Perfect Storm - Shock Damage 25 points
Nosferatu - Drain Health 90 points
Stormwrath - Shock Damage 30 points + Weakness To Shock 100% for 5 seconds
Wrath of Arkay - Fire Damage 30 points + Weakness to Fire 100% for 5 seconds (used against undead)
Acadian Bow - Drain Speed 100 points for 1 second + Shock Damage (different magnitudes at different character levels) + Soul Trap
Reaper - Fire,Frost & Shock damage 50 pts for 3 seconds + Damage Health 50 pts for 3 seconds + Drain Speed 100 pts for 1 second + Soul Trap for 3 seconds (can only be used once per charge)
Hunter's Sight - Detect Life in 200 feet (used the CS to make this one)
Night Vision - Nighteye enchanted hood

Wizard's Wrath - basically Wizard's Fury with Damage Health added to the mix
Misdirection - Summon Flame Atronach 20 seconds + Invisibility 20 seconds
Insanity Riot - Frenzy 25 in 20 feet on target
Death Wave - Drain Health 100 points in 100 feet on target (effective at lower levels, but drains the snot out of your magicka pool)
Death Bolt - Drain Health 100 points on target (effective at lower levels)

That's all I can think of right now. I'll edit this post as others occur to me.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:29 am

I can think of a few memorable names I've given to various spells/enchanted items:

"Messiah Shoes"--water-walking, pretty self-explanatory...

"Self-Destruct"--damage armor on self (created so I could raise my armorer skill faster)

will this next one be too inappropriate...? "Killer orgism"--shock damage on self :shocking: ('cause I'm a pain-seeker...no, just kidding. I wanted to raise my destruction and restoration quicker, so I made a spell that would essentially benefit both :hubbahubba: )

There are many others that I can't think of now...If I think of them I'll add them to this post.... There are some better ones, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment... :banghead:
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Erin S
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:59 am

Buffy's bow is named Slayer. It will briefly and totally drain a foe's speed, bathe them in a shower of arcing sparks then sweep their mystical energy into Azura's Star. It's the only weapon she carries.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:22 am

http://img807.imageshack.us/img807/5379/image4h.jpg Mostly destructive stuff, will post more interesting ones next time
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:37 am

Ghost of Black Brugo - Black Bow enchanted with all weakness
Dark Dagger - daedric dagger enchanted with damage health
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:44 am

These are all Touch or Self based unless otherwise specified. Target costs too much to be useful to me.

My Khajiit's spells:
Breath of Kynarthi: Invisibility, Fortify Speed and Athletics, Detect Life. Uses this while running around at night or when I need to get away in a hurry.
Blessings of Baan'dar: Fortify Sneak and Marksman/Blade. For when it absolutely positively has to die in one hit without seeing you.
Rajhin's Luck: Fortify Luck and Security.
Fusozay Var Dar!: Rally, Fortify Health and Strength on Other.
Your Mother: Short-duration Frenzy, Drain Personality on Self. Made just as a lulz thing so I can pick fights.

My Nord's spells:
Scales of Ysmir: Resist Frost, Frost Shield, Fortify Endurance
Alduin's Wrath: Damage various stats, Frost Damage, Soul Trap
Flash Freeze: Paralyze for 1 second, Frost Damage for 5 seconds, Damage Health.

Wingardium Leviosa: Telekinesis
Alohomora: Open Very Hard Lock
Crucio: Paralyze + Damage Health (I'm a nerd, yes I know)

Ecstasy: Fortify Agility, Strength, and Fatigue in a 1/4, 1/4, 1/2 setup, as high and for as long as your magicka pool will allow.
Fever: Minimal Fire Damage + Cure Disease.
RUN AWAY!: Fortify Athletics and Speed to max for 20 seconds.

Enchantments: I've managed to build some fun little things over the course of the game.
Full Suits:
"Camo": Leather enchanted with Chameleon, with a Brown Hood just for personal preference in headgear. Getting the Ring of Khajiiti will put you over 100%
"Minotaur Hide": Fur enchanted with Fortify Endurance.
"Power Armor": Glass enchanted with Fortify Strength. Getting the Cowl of Nocturnal will boost your Encumbrance up really high. Great for packrats like me.
"Atronach": Dwarven enchanted with Absorb Spell. This with Reflect Spell Rings, Spellbreaker, Spelldrinker Amulet, and the Atronach birthsign. I now laugh at Conjurers.
The Bookish Set: Chainmail Greaves, Plaid Shirt, Brown Hood. All with Fortify Intelligence. Paired with Lunar Rings/Amulet. These turned my Nord who had up until then been a full warrior into a battlemage with enough power to rival an Altmer. Well, a Level 1 Altmer, but still.

Senche Fang: Dagger with Damage Health for 20 seconds + Damage Endurance to mimic bleeding damage. *stabstabstab*
Argonian Heart: Amulet with Waterbreathing.
Daywalker/Dawnbreaker: Silver longswords with various amounts of Demoralize/Turn Undead and Fire Damage. Daywalker is tailored to fight vampires, while Dawnbreaker is for generic Undead. I'm porting these over to Skyrim, because with dual-wielding they'll be able to be used together like they should.
Hunter: A bow with Soul Trap and various killy effects. Paired with...
Hunter's Cap: Fortify Marksman

Modded Enchantments: These are meant to be like artifacts. Powerful in sets, hard to find, valuable, etc. I'm planning on releasing them once I actually finish planning them out and if they're not too game-breaking. Objects with no number values haven't been decides on yet. They're gonna be part of a somewhat large faction mod that I'm planning.

Hood of Night: Black hood
---Fortify Sneak 10
---Fortify Illusion 15
---Night Eye (a modified version that doesn't [censored] the eyes.)

Minotaur Hide: custom cuirass
---Fortify Endurance
---Fortify Strength
---Fortify Athletics

Vengeance of Kynarthi: This bow will be hard to find and be guarded by something nasty.
---Consume Soul (a script that fully recharges the weapon if it kills an enemy. Which it probably will.)
---Damage Speed
---Damage Health

Dark Fire Circle: Again, hard to find, guarded by nasties.
---Fortify Destruction 50
---Fire Shield 50
---Reflect Damage 25

The [censored] Stick: Weak attack power, horrendous stat damage. (the real name is ...another way to say "unintelligent donkey")
---Damage Intelligence
---Damage Agility
---Damage Speed
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:21 pm

Finish Him!
Paralyze for x seconds on Target
Bound Dagger for x seconds
Fortify Blade 100 pts for x seconds on Self

Paralyze for x seconds on Target
Drain Health 100 pts in 10 ft for 1 sec on Target

Grim Reaper
Soul Trap for 1 sec on Touch
Drain Health 75 pts for 1 sec on Touch

Unda Equus (Water Horse)
Water Walking for X seconds on Touch
This spell allows horse to walk on water
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Anne marie
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:06 am

Whats the max amount of letters you can have in a spell name?
cos ill make one called

Hide Your Kids Hide Your Wife
Demoralize for 30 seconds on Target

(You get a cookie if you guess where the name comes from :D)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:19 am

my best spell name was "Open very hard", actually all my spells have lame name like jolt or shocking touch. i make some like fire storm, greater fire storm, minor fire storm, it sounds like a spell you could get in game

as far as enchantments i like doing "insert character name's blade", or whatever. For siguil stone enchantments i use vaguely evil or destructive names like "World ender's fang" Or "Nirn Breaker". For my assassin i named my bow friend turner, it had command humanoid, i had another called madness that had a large frenzy spell on it
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:58 pm

Weakness to magic 100% 10 sec on target
Weakness to fire 100% 10 sec on target

restore strength 5 pt for 10 sec on self
restore intelligence 5pt for 10 sec on self
restore willpower.. (etc, for all the attributes)

fortify speed 100 pt. for 10 sec. on touch
(for very quick fast travel on horses)

Damage strength 10 pt. for 10 sec. on target.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:42 am

My spell names are mostly boring, and describe what they do in pretty plain terms like some others. Fire Bolt for a fire spell, Invisibility 30 for an inviso spell, etc. I'll use the suffix "blast" for an AoE damage spell, or "touch" if it's... yeah. I also prefix all of my heavily used custom spells with an asterisk, so they are at the top of my spell list.

There are a handful of exceptions, perhaps neato spells...

Burst of Speed - 100 Fortify Speed/Athletics + 100 Feather for 30 seconds. Zooooom! When I want to run really fast.

Riot - Frenzy up to level 25, Rally 100 pts, in 50 feet for 60 seconds. Fun to cast at the middle of a Bandit camp. Or the Market District. Just save first.

Death Bolt - This is the name for my multi-effect, self amplifying Destruction spell. It contains Drain Health, Damage Health, Fire/Frost/Shock, Soul Trap, Weakness to Fire/Frost/Shock/Magic. The proportions are a little different every time I've made the spell for a character, depending upon Destruction skill level, total base magicka, etc. But the basic idea is always the same - the more you fling the spell at a target, the more damage it does per hit.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:49 am

My spell names are mostly boring, and describe what they do in pretty plain terms like some others. Fire Bolt for a fire spell, Invisibility 30 for an inviso spell, etc. I'll use the suffix "blast" for an AoE damage spell, or "touch" if it's... yeah. I also prefix all of my heavily used custom spells with an asterisk, so they are at the top of my spell list.

There are a handful of exceptions, perhaps neato spells...

Burst of Speed - 100 Fortify Speed/Athletics + 100 Feather for 30 seconds. Zooooom! When I want to run really fast.

Riot - Frenzy up to level 25, Rally 100 pts, in 50 feet for 60 seconds. Fun to cast at the middle of a Bandit camp. Or the Market District. Just save first.

Death Bolt - This is the name for my multi-effect, self amplifying Destruction spell. It contains Drain Health, Damage Health, Fire/Frost/Shock, Soul Trap, Weakness to Fire/Frost/Shock/Magic. The proportions are a little different every time I've made the spell for a character, depending upon Destruction skill level, total base magicka, etc. But the basic idea is always the same - the more you fling the spell at a target, the more damage it does per hit.

I really like the "Death Bolt" I will add that to my spell list when I make a mage again. My main character has 100 spells and its getting pretty hard to find them now
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:40 am

Panic Button - Invisibility for 15 seconds and summon something for 30 seconds.
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