What I propose to do with this mod is rewrite the text content of the various in game spell scrolls. I'd like to go through each scroll and create uniquely fitting phrases for each one.
(No changes to the actual spell effects themselves, though.)
What I'd like to do is have the forum-goers here pick out one scroll and contribute a phrase/one-liner/invocation/poem/haiku/what-have-you for that scroll, on a first come/first served basis.
Once enough have been contributed, they will be transcribed and compiled into a mod. Everyone gets a credit in the read-me, and their name at the very end of the in game scroll.
The following link is to the UESP entry on the various scrolls you can find in the game:
If you follow the link, it has the text written on every spell scroll in the game! Some have a pithy, semi-fitting one liner that relates to the effect of the spell. A few have an actual spell invocation written on them. One has the text to the Morag Tong writ of execution (I'm looking at you, Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire) on there for some reason.
A sad majority simply have the three word phrase "Woe Upon You". This is doubly sad since Daedric lacks a "Y" character, so it's more like "Woe Upon Ou". Even worse, this phrase is used on a lot of scrolls with beneficial effects!
Please Note!! The in game Daedric alphabet lacks the characters "X" and the character "Y" so please try to avoid words containing those characters.
For reference on the Daedric alphabet, please see: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Daedric_Alphabet
The format will go thusly (this will be my contribution to the effort):
Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire (sc_elementalburstfire)
(Centered Text)
(Title of scroll - Magic Cards - Plain English)
Elemental Burst: Fire
(Body - Magic Cards - Plain English)
Bursting Flames
Chastise All Foes
Of The Righteous
(Body - Daedric)
Tizzo (Your name - Daedric)
I will compile a list of each scroll and notate if that scroll has been taken by someone in the post following this one. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone may contribute!