I just downloaded Daggerfall, and so far, I love it. I've mostly been playing some experimental characters to get a feel for the game, but now I want to start a real character. I want it to be a spell caster, but the thing is, it seems my game has some weird glitch with the spell menu. Sometimes when I open it to load a spell, it won't let me close the menu at all. I mash on the exit button, try to open another menu, everything, but the spell menu won't close. The only thing that works is deleting all my spells, which obviously is not a viable option.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Does anyone know any way to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated.
P.S. Just a side question: is it possible to be an Imperial? I always click on the Imperial province at the character creation screen, but nothing happens. Is this a glitch or is it just not possible to be an Imperial? [<--already answered]