How about a bound shield? (and of course bound armor)
How about a bound shield? (and of course bound armor)
All the above, waterwalking and a wide range of Daedric summonings (particularly Ogrim and Winged Twilights).
All of the Conjuration spells that summon Daedra that they removed.
Cure disease, weakness to fire/frost/shock, charm. That's the (massively) shortened list.
Open Lock is the only spell that I would want added to Skyrim. I hate the fact that Mages have to be locksmiths in order to open up chests.
Master Level spells that are can be casted with one hand... such a disappointment.
I want a spell which allows me to create my own spells.
TBH, there are far too many spells that are needed for me to post here. Suffice it to say, magic took a massive blow in Skyrim, and I seriously hope that Beth corrects this major blunder in TES 6
More wind magic would be nice. I want paralysis back in illusion as well.
Vampire lord and werewolf beast form
I would love that in normal form, even if it means I have to be a dirty vamp with envious eyes and crooked red lip liner.
PC and Xbox 360 players can already get said spell anyways... Sorry PS3 players.
Anyways... Open Lock comes to mind.
Spectral Arrow is indeed neat [I'm on PC and gave my mage a copy], but I too woiuld like an open/unlock spell!
Honestly... Paralysis makes more sense as an Alteration spell than an Illusion spell.
Illusion is more about mind games while Alteration is about editing the physical world... Movement is technically part of the physical world and paralyzing is not a mind game at all... So ye'h. Paralysis makes more sense in Alteration.
Magic did took a blow but I wouldn't count it massive.
I had Spectral Arrow before on a character (Being an Xbox player, it was possible for me to get) and it was neat. Though it did felt like it was unfinished...
I agree. Even though I will still only use Dremora Lords.
And without cheating, mind you. (You can get said spell by being a PC/Xbox player and using addspell command).
Ogrims were never summonable in the first place... Winged Twilights were though.
By shapeshifting I mean things like rat form to sneak by bandits or find some kind of hidden part in some ruin.
Dovabear form for combat (I mean a bear..not a dragon bear which would look...funny? xD)
Spider form to climb walls.
Dragon form so i can fly in a circle and burn stuff (I'm jk about this one)
Things of that nature.
I also would like a levitation spell.
We lost Spellmaking, and entire school of magic, as well as a plethora of individual spells. I would call that a massive blow. Magic was gutted in favor of something which is pretty to look at, but not much else TBH.
Aside from all the stuff that was removed and therefore neutered magic...
Water, earth and wind magic as a sort of Alteration/Destruction hybrid spell line--we already have the Whirlwind Cloak spell (which would have made more sense as an Alteration spell, IMO) Arena's Earth Wall/Passwall/Pitfall spells come to mind as possible Earth spells, though tweaked for Skyrim. Maybe expand on Waterwalking/Waterbreathing and add a staggering water spell.
(going entirely off-the-wall here, at least for this series) Then maybe combine them with the Destruction spells for new Master Spells.
Fire+Earth=Meteor Storm(like Alduin's shout, only small-scale),
Frost+Water=Ice Coffin(enemies frozen in ice, immobile and take lots of frost damage)
Shock+Wind=Tempest(electric tornado, like the Cyclone shout only prettier)
Damn, now I want to go play Tales of Vesperia...
Touch spells. And not just light taps, either. Like, full-on punches and jabs. Bring on the full-contact magic!
Water Walking. For reasons that are complicated and silly but legitimate, I became terrified of water in Elder Scrolls games, starting with Morrowind. I don't know why, but the levels of anxiety it causes me when underwater - especially the ocean water (small amounts of underwater like in dungeosn dont bother me.) I wil lliterally get startled by rocks appear. Yes, I know theres nothing down there. ive seen the game's files, ive examined every object in the cells.
...But i still know there's something down there, waiting. Mocking me.
Yup! Me too on the water fear. Dates for me back to Morrowind and the endless hordes of slaughter fish. Darn, those things were annoying.
An illusionist should be able to make someone think that they can't move. Many schools of magic can accomplish the same task, I merely want it back in Illusion for my sake.
MouseMage traveled through the cold abyss, heading north, examining every rock, every fish, every particle of sand in fear. Taking the job to find the buried sea wreck had not been well considered in hindsight, but those thoughts should be suppressed in a situation such as this; a potion of waterbreathing can last only so long.
Several mudcrabs were concealed in the mud bank to the left, but oddly they payed no notice to the swimmer, deciding instead to shudder out of their muddy cocoons and also journey forward.
Ten minutes passed, and the dark and murky waters began to become more opaque, slowing the journey from fright. More mudcrabs were appearing now, nuzzling their way out of the earth below. In a flash of horror, a swarm of slaughterfish with gnashing teeth began speeding toward our poor protagonist, only to shoot around and behind into the darkness.
Looking forward again, MouseMage saw only a single, massive claw before all became dark.
To add such things to an Xbox game don't you also need Skyrim for the PC or is there some sort of trixxy hobbit thing I'm not aware of?
ha I hear you, I knew what you meant but felt like mentioning the existing shape shifts anyway
The magic is much more magical now but to trim all the tasty fat bits from Oblivion left me wanting more.