Who says they are running on diesel? Could be running on bio fuel. Plenty of plant based oils are flammable
I'm still trying to figure out how to power lights inside a house.
I have a generator outside of my structure. It's wired to a small power conduit that I placed outside on the roof of the structure. Lights outside and inside the building near that power conduit automatically work but how do I get other lights farther inside the building to work? I've tried adding a power conduit inside and running wires from there but that doesn't work. Putting another generator on the other side of the house seems wasteful and inelegant.
Clearly there should be some way to power all the lights in a larger structure with a single generator using some combination of wires, switches and conduits.
What I've done is say construct most of the wall along the south side of a house until I get to the last piece at the end. I then constuct the wall on the west side all the way to the end. When I go to finish the south side, the last piece snaps into place where it should, closing up what I had already completed on the west side. I hope that makes sense lol
I struggled with this as well, you just have to keep adding conduits until they are close enough to the light. I built utility poles and kept stringing wire until I got it like I wanted. You can have one generator light the whole settlement if you keep connecting wires.
The UI definitely needs some love, and being on PC I am hoping for a mod soon. I agree with one user above, I wish a settler had some kind of icon above their head as to their work assignment. It would make it much easier to manage them.
It took me over 11 hours before I found that and made a stimpack just for fun.
You do so in the Workshop menus (like you would if you were scrapping items around the area). Walk up to someone and there should be a button that says "command" and then you can assign them like you would the dog.
How do you create supply lines? I thought it was automatic once you got them to join up.
the building system is more of RUST then SIMS, and i love it!
I spent all night last night building - literally all six hours I played. Yeah. And I created a new character.
So basically, I brought my character out of the vault, went to Sanctuary, and started building. I made a two story steel "shack" with machine gun turrets and a watchtower on top of the second story - right next to the house with the crafting stations. Later, I completed the Minuteman quest and got the power armor, which I left (core inside) at the power armor repair stations.
When we were finally attacked, it was awesome.
Between the machine guns, me on the roof popping targets and Preston (IIR) in the power armor killing the raiders on the ground, we were freakin invinicible.
But I am wondering: has anyone tried to build a wall around Sanctuary? I really want to try it but I'm thinkiing it will consume way too much steel/wood. Also, is there a way to get steel/wood/other resource from cars or whatever when you are outside of a settlement zone? Because I had to scrap some early designs, I'm running short of steel.
God, they should call this game Sims with Guns.
I started to; from the bridge... but the area is so big and spend the day just organising the bridge area with a one storey guard post... it looked awesome but to do all of Sanctuary would take days; plus I need to make sure everything is perfect...
I then loaded an earlier save just before I started construction and then built my defences just in front of my neighbours house... it's smaller but easier to manage...
The same way you assign them a job. You go into building mode and highlight a settler. There should be a menu at the bottom of the screen labeled "Supply Line" with a corresponding key/button. Hit that then select which settlement you want them to travel back and forth too, and confirm, your settler is now a "provisioner".
Thankfully wood and steel are plentiful and I built a wall all the around Sanctuary. Mind you I said wall, that is because I didn't see fences in the menu when I started putting walls all the way around. Face palm. But I did put up fences also around Red Rocket and the Drive-in. The other settlements especially the smaller ones got turrets and guard posts. It is very time and resource consuming to enclose your settlements with them.
Yep, that is my issue exactly. I can't just build the settlement, I have maintain it, protect it, and feed the people in the settlement and make sure they are happy.
I take the Lone Wanderer approach. Those people that showed up to Sanctuary, they made the decision to go there, I did not tell them too. So, if they are not happy with the place as it is, then they can improve it or move on.
I am going to wait for a nice house mod and call that my home rather than build anything.
Wow, okay ... that begs another question:
Am I the only who can build or if I leave a group to their own devices, will they make changes in the settlement?
So has someone led the "settlers" to Sanctuary, came back "days" later, and found changes? Because that would be cool ...
For me it's about what fits in with my character; his motivation is to find his Son but what then... (this is why I love first playthroughs) The world he knows is gone, it's about building a place he can call home once he's found his Son...
I have not tried the building craft yet, but it sounds like if I had a Gravity Gun from Portal, it would be a lot easier
I'm pretty sure nobody makes drywall, glass windows, carpet, etc. any more.
Your character was either a soldier or lawyer in their former life so being able to build a shack out of scrap is impressive.