It really depends for me on how realistic the spiders look and act.
In Zelda games spiders don't even remotely trigger my arachnophobia. Some of them like the skulltulas look outright silly to me. Armogohma (the spider boss in Twilight Princess) shoots a freaking energy beam at you so his behavior lessens any fright factor he may have had.
Vindictus ( a free to play online game) has spiders left and right, but they don't even make me flinch. Not sure what it is, maybe their looks, maybe the fact they don't do anything really scary. And aside from boss giant spiders, they only have one attack and they don't jump far or walk on walls, etc.
Now, Dark Messiah, spiders scare the bloody hell out of me. Minus the size and with the exception of the giant spider, they look frighteningly realistic. They crawl on walls, lunge at you, etc. Plus its in a first person perspective (which makes it seem less like a game and more like "HOLY **** SPIDER GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!") The one level where you literally have to enter a cave full of them set my arachnophobia into overdrive. I don't know how I managed to push all the way through to the end.
Not sure how I'm going to react in Skyrim. The spiders don't look like the ones in real life or in Dark Messiah. But what I've read in passing about getting stuck in webs and such, that's pretty scary. If they can drop down from above, trap you, basically do anything that is an arachnophobe's worst nightmare, then I'm really in trouble >_<
Not bothered about spiders, just shark phobic
Ah, you are a fellow selachophobic person, I see.
You guys would hate playing Crysis or Endless Ocean :laugh: