Like the opener of this post, I have 10 strength. So I wanted to make myself as human as possible, therefore I took back my spine, heart and brain. I don't trust all this new-age gobbeldigook!
And maybe, in Lonesome Roads, there might be some EMP thingy that messes up the eletrical compenents inside you! Wouldn't want that!
Two problems with your idea
1: Some of the technology still remains in your body Hense the perks you recieve for keeping your real organs
2: If Pulse grenades and mines don't deal extra damage because of your implants why would they do so in The Lonesome Road.
Well, you still don't want to just hotkey them cause then you waste, they don't heal your limbs as much unless you go to the "Status" page or I think that's what it was on your pipboy.
He could also hotkey doctors bags as those completely restore all limbs on non-hardcoe.