Since I covered the one negative, let's go over the positives.
Weaker headshots, more strategy. [kills by intelligent actions, not lucky shots]
Accurate statistics on weapons, delay indicators, and accuracy.
Classes all cover their roles with great detail.
Lower damages overall, more strategy. [same as headshots]
Separating fighting and team-interaction skills allowing independent customization (weight & class) [most class-based games force everything together in each class]
Having only assault game mode so everyone is funneled into it.
Tutorials teaching new players teamwork.
Low level cap, less grind more fun.
Easier-to-earn weapons and attachments, more fun less grind.
time delays are balanced very well; supply regeneration, time to use various skills, reload and equip times.
weapons and skills balanced fairly well.
Class abilities make teamwork exponentially more effective than other games, allowing it to dominate those without.
Graphics and sound style are uniquely tough but smooth around the edges.
melee knocks down instead of kills instantly [intelligent actions, like no headshots]
grenade cooldown to prevent grenade spam, balanced with other elements well
Increasing the complexity of the overall game as rank increases, allowing new players to better handle it. [some games just toss everything in together even if they have matchmaking]
Let's be honest for a second, BRINK has the content of a $35 game. It's awesome just overpriced. Either overpriced or too little content, they're saying the same thing.
Wait for a price drop and buy this.
Haters gonna hate.