no splitscreen? is it worth getting anyways?

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:59 pm

Dude they had quite a few realistic and valid reasons for not including split screen. I like split screen too, but I got over it quickly. Like everyone else, No-split screen is not a make or break thing, and if it is, you're pathetic (sorry). I have a younger brother who plays on my xbox occasionally, and that's one reason i wanted split screen, but we don't mind not playing together.
And as for the "activision" comment. Bethesda is the big-wig behind Splash Damage. Completely different company, if your gunna rage over something, at least know what ur talking about and do some research on your own first.

It's not make or break, it just seems like they have nothing to lose from including it - it's the players choice if they want to use it or not. If you had read my previous posts on this topic then you would know that i will still be buying this game (and enjoy it greatly).
Also i know that activision has nothing to do with BRINK, but they are notorious for putting their huge profits before the requests of their customers (for reference see MW2 post-launch)
I'm not raging, it's just a shame that what is going to be a great team-orientated game, couldn't include the option to play with your friends on the same console (a feature which has been pretty standard in many games, and clearly not impossible to implement).
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:19 am

Anyone that doesn't want splitscreen is selfish. I love playing splitscreen (online) with my brother, and for such a team orientated game, it surprises me to see that they didn't implement it, and they haven't really given us a good reason why not ('It would have taken too much time doesn't really count'.)

i sure as HELL don't wanna share my PC-monitor with another person! call me selfish i don't care!
(this was a troll post, everyone knows there's not splitscreen for PC, ever?)
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:33 pm

Well for me and my friends we are all older and have work and school to juggle and can rarely see each other let alone do splitscreen, online helps this.

When you live in the sticks where you cant get internet fast enuff to play online (Dial-up) Getting the chance to hang out with a pal is great on the weekend, and since spring is the worst time of the year for us country folk.... enjoying a video game haveing a good time is pretty much the thing to do, until my Welding course is done :celebration:
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