So why in the pip-boy app demo mode does the date read 10.23.2287?
Is this just an oversight? Will fallout 4 take place over an ingame decade or have they been telling us a few tall tales with the 2277 date? (I wouldnt see why they would..)
It was never confirmed, a bunch of people took a vague statement super-literally and despite being reminded that Bethesda has a policy to always set their games after each-other (even if they aren't connected in anyway like New Vegas having it's start date changed) they still didn't listen.
Of-course it wasn't going to take place a mere months after Fallout 3, these people want to show off the East Coast world they are building and want to show a lot of development and changes. And by Bethesda's own rules it would take place after New Vegas.
Yeah, the idea of it set in 2277 was pure fan speculation based on a 'about 200 years' statement.
They hadn't given a specific date till recently.
^this people take statements "you emerge 200 years later" as gospel despite knowing that BGS always moves the timeline along and the heavy amount liberty taken at e3 not to spoil the games plot or elements.
More than ever, at least I am not like Valve.
Any round number can be taken as an approximate unless you say 'exactly 200 years'.
'How fast were you going , sir?'
'I was doing 50, officer'
Get the idea?
But i thought is was the first rule of driving: always lie to a police officer if he pulls you over!
thats good plan then he shows you what speed he clocked you at
Yeah, I know dude i bought DoW 2 and its dlcs for cheap as hell, I think all together it was like £12 or something.
Actually... they did confirmed long ago that it's set AFTER FO3...
'Just in case there was any doubt, Todd Howard of Bethesda recently told that despite pre-nuclear opening, most of the game takes place after the events of'
I wouldn't be surprised if key Fallout 3 moments are, at the very least, referred to in Fallout 4.
When people started with the, "he said 200 years, not 210 or 203 or 215" I and many others here tried telling them that when talking about such a time one almost never gives an exact. Like if I were to talk about something that happened to me 43 years ago, I would never be so precise but rather round it off to either 40 or 45 years ago. And we all knew that in the past Bethesda had made the statement that the games would move forward in time.
But in my world, 10 years is like a blink of an eye. In a younger person's mind 10 years is like an eternity.
Time is a funny thing like that. I can hear it now, "Todd lied, he said 200 years when it was really 210 years." when really, time and approximates go together like directions to a location. "It's over by the McDonald's on Geist Road" When in reality it's about 10 blocks from McDonalds.
The variable perception of time isn't what it used to be...
Good thing time is an illusion and we're all a figment of our own imaginations! @_@
Anyhows, I knew all along that it wouldn't be concurrent with F3, just seemed like common sense. What really bugged me though is that some people were so dang sure that F4 started in 2277 that they would shoot down any theory that relied on the game starting later. It's fine to speculate, but it was silly to take it as gospel. If I were more of a C-word* I'd go back to those arguments I had and tell them all to post videos of them eating their shoes.
This is a problem with the general fan community (not any particular people, just the groupthink that tends to override individual intelligence):
- Developer makes vague comment about setting
- Fans take vague comment as outline of specific features
- Fans use those "confirmed" features to extrapolate other aspects of gameplay
- Game does not have those features, but fits the vague comment from earlier
- Fans: "You lied to us!"
*Curmudgeon obv
Well I cancelled my pre-order. If Todd lied about this what else is he lying about. I demand the truth.
(Just kidding btw).
Might want to get the title changed, this could be a spoiler to some people.
How could the date of the game even possibly be a spoiler.