Compare 11 minutes sprinting to 14 minutes sprinting.
We can assume that it is slightly smaller than Skyrim because if were larger than Skyrim Todd would have said "it is larger than Skyrim"
yeah and Todd already imply that is was almost at the same size of Skyrim.
Dont get me wrong all thos videos about the GTA and Witcher places is hard to run citys maps are make like Labyrinths to make u think citys are HUGES, and Skellige map is all fulll with water so really is hard to compare game like this running.
AwesomePossum did a jog across Skyrim in about 12 minutes using a no clip through the big mountain. He went from the southeast corner to the castle in the northwest on foot.
Related note: wasn't there a rumor or speculation that FO4 had submarines at one point? Am I just imagining that?
This isn't an actual quote from anyone lol in fact, we have an actual quote from Todd that it is roughly the size of Skyrim which would put it around 15-16 square miles. Don't even know why you would have put what you did in quotes
14 minutes to cross a video game map sounds like an awful lot to me; games with limited content might not be impressive but knowing how Bethesda packs stuff in it sounds fine.
More isn't necessarily better. Except money.
I've seen it too and you are exaggerating a bit.
Water surrounded 3 sides of the Skyrim map, so I dare say if the area was all totaled up, it would be close to the eastern shoreline on the FO4 map.
I think there will be out-at-sea settlements and even some old base which will all come into play during missions and through exploration.
Yeah, that makes sense. It's not like the waterline is just a straight edge that you can move to the edge of the map. The land curves around it, so you kind of have to have a large bay.