Yeah, after the "2 weeks later," bit Elder Lyons informs you she died activating the purifier iirc
Yeah, after the "2 weeks later," bit Elder Lyons informs you she died activating the purifier iirc
I just checked the wiki. Yes, ends up that she doesn't survive if she is sent into the Purifier.
It sounds like something a MWBoS member would say. I still have hope. He looks much older than what Arthur would be. Seeing how they are going with ye old Blade Runner story, I sure hope it is MWBoS. Will give me some old friends to go kill synths with.
Wait a minute... I just noticed something in the new trailer.
The guy with beard, leather jacket getup has a BoS symbol on his right arm(at 0:59 in trailer you can see it), and it has the small cogs on the right. Soon after(at 1:00), we see 2 BoS in PA, and on their chest is a BoS symbol with.. the 2 cogs on the left. Could this mean there are 2 different BoS factions in the game?
Both Lyons and the MWBoS were known to use both symbol variations.
That's the original BoS symbol. Don't mistake it with the Lyons Pride one (lion instead of cogs) .
Lyons Pride is an offspring of the original BoS.
With my limited knowledge of the MWBoS, his speech sounds a little too altruistic relative to the more... bloodthirsty?... MWBos?
Maybe outcasts and lyon's chapter? Granted i think the outcasts would go the way of the west coast brotherhood and be unable to expand without recruiting.
Anyway they look badass, probably be the faction i side with. I wonder if they're for the destruction of all androids? Seems like they should be
Speaking of the BoS, i guess if we join their faction we can call the Vertibird that droop our PA, man that part on the Trailer when the PA are droop is COOL.
Might be: if Midwestern BoS is here, then they had definitely and without doubt made contact with Lyon's BoS.
Or it might be Lyon's BoS and the Outcast BoS.
Or it might be all three. Who knows!
Anyway, nice observation.
They are either for destruction or for putting them under "supervision". They are probably the anti-synth choice for our characters.
Did the trailer hint at Diamond City being androids?
While true, it still seems odd they would be wearing two different symbols. Is there a significant reason for doing so, same faction wearing reversed symbols, or is this two different BoS faction appearances?
Anybody think the Ghoul guy was talking about the BoS, not the Institute, when he said "Theyre the real enemies."
no, but it look like ppl on Boston are scare of Androids. And they think everyone is one
I would say its just an oversight with the symbols. You'd think they make a more distinct difference between the symbols than just a reversal if they wanted to show that this is a different BoS chapter.
Its the same symbol, just mirrored.
My guess, its a way to acknowledge the fact they came from the west, but also acknowledge they are now in the east.
I think the women asking,"I have question Would you risk your life for your fellow man..." is Dr. Li.