More like an android holocaust.
No, Looks like they dont want anyone from the Synth Retention being there.
What he said was "How to be original BoS 101."
I don't think there is a reason to think otherwise.
maybe its harkness the android from rivet city you kept his secret from the institute he's back to free the others
Like it could have been anything else, especially after that FO3 quest.
The real question is: will Androids be a threat enough for player to consider not supporting them wholeheartedly.
Well, anyway, because that dude looks much older than Maxson would be, and because he talking all hard, and imo..almost looks rustic(he not wearing the usual blue jacket or robes, or red), I still have hope for MWBoS. Either way he seems anti synth, so I would like to kill some robots with him.
"Haven't you been paying attention? You don't find the Institute, the Institute finds you." Wonder what this could mean?
Anyone else thinks that's Dr. Li. It even sounds like her.
I think you need to take another look at Li from FO3. She doesn't look Asian in 3 either. I have no doubt that is her voice.
1. Yes it is. Go to wiki and play her quotes, you will see. Compare them if you like.
2. I know she is Asian, but she doesnt look very Asian. Understand Dr Long Wang?
3. Compare
Indeed. Madison Li is asian. She would be about 58 years old circa FO 4 timeline. She has black hair. That woman didn't sound like Li to me. Hopefully, Li is deep down in the Institute, it is the MWBoS, whom I can join, break into the institute, and punch her in the face with a power fist.
That woman was obviously leader of the Railroad, I doubt Dr.Li would be even involved in the Railroad. Shes not Dr. Li. Shes just not.
I would say that chances are good that Dr Li will be in the game but most definitely as a proud member of the Institute. I just can't ever see her having anything to do with this Railroad group in any way shape or form.
Actually, Li's hair is brown as per Fallout 3.
But I agree that its not Li
I personally think that the BOS here is either the Midwest or Lyons. While I would certainly prefer Lyon's BOS, I would not mind the inclusion of the Midwest branch either. I can see the arguments for both sides.