This to me would be pretty cool. Or maybe the possibility of the CW outcasts vs MWBOS or something? Perhaps the outcasts tried to trek back to the west coast to reconnect or something and are met by the MWBOS. The outcasts would not tolerate the recruitment of ghouls and mutants into the BOS, and therefore start a civil war in the BOS?
But that probably just sounds crazy.
In the trailer, for a brief second, there is a shot of the BOS guy in his leather jacket. On his jacket is they BOS symbol with the cog on the right. He is standing next to a BOS flag that has the cog on the left. It has been 10 years. Why would they pull the MwBOS into this game when you have one of the biggest hooks in FO3..Arthur Maxson. Bethesda is using the idea of the airship from Tactics, that doesnt mean it is the MwBOS. What would be the point?
SPOILER (How do i make the Spoiler Tag?)
This Brotherhood hates Ghouls, and sees them as abominations. The CW BoS shot at Ghouls on sight, but the MW BoS would also hate ghouls and all other mutations if you got the General Barnaky ending.
Lyon's BoS doesn't hate the Ghouls, otherwise Three-Dog would talk about it. The only ghouls they hate are ferals, and everyone hates ferals.
Is there some discrimination? No doubt. But the BoS is not unique in it and most people dislike them.
With that said, I have seen no ghoul hate in this trailer. The only ghoul in the trailer might talk about them, but it is unlikely to have anything to do with ghouls. More likely, he talks against them because they are "visiting" Commonwealth with what is a full pledged army.
Nope, its outright said in Fallout 3 that Lyons boS shoots at the non feral ghouls of the Underworld.
And in Broken Steel its said Lyons isn't giving them any of the clean water.
Point 1) Fact.
Point 2) I mean, they don't actually need it.
Yea and doesn't the ghoul standing outside of underworld also say that as long as they stay in there the BOS doesn't mess with them, but if they go outside they shoot on sight?
I doubt it's Arthur Maxson. It just... doesn't make sense that you'd give a 20 year old that much power. The BOS doesn't make you choose which path you go down until you're 16, so even if he chose to be a Knight, he would've only been fighting for 4 years now. Unless something was huge, and he pulled a Lone Wanderer on the BOS and single-handedly defeated a powerful enemy or solved a major problem, I don't see how he could end up with that much power in such a short amount of time... even if he's a Maxson.
Hm, must have forgotten about it. I am actually surprised that Three-Dog is not criticizing them for it, seeing as he hates Ghoul bigots. Well, I guess that he is tolerating them due to how useful BoS is for everyone else, which makes it kind of ironic.
Well everyone seems to hate ghouls in Fo3 with few exceptions and the ghouls don't need clean water... furthermore they were actually giving them clean water but one enterprising ghoul was replacing the Aqua Pura with irradiated Aqua Cura and selling the real stuff to raiders and such who the Brotherhood refused to supply.
who do we side with i just dont know thats why i always just kill every thing i see lol
OFC he doesn't talk about it, the BoS are the only thing keeping him alive.
Thats part of the deal, The BoS keep him alive, and in return he lets them use "his" radio tower as a base for raids into D.C.
He'd still only be 20 at the point of FO4. Dude in the trailer is far older than 20 IMO. Seems like most would agree with that too.
I'm not saying OLD old. I'm saying late 20's seems more accurate
The only people who questioned Lyons command had left and formed the Brotherhood Outcasts. Even if the Outcasts decided to reunite with Lyons BOS, there shouldn't be anyone questioning their "authenticity," unless the Outcasts goal was to overthrow Lyons from the start. Of which, by the time at the end of Fallout 3, recruited wastelanders would've outnumbered the original BOS members. So I don't see Lyon's being forced to do anything.
As for the attack on Vault 87, I seriously doubt they waited 6 years after their win over the Enclave. And you wouldn't even really need to enter Vault 87, the best thing would be to bury the entrance. The super mutants don't know about the back way in, so Little Lamplight would be safe.
To be honest, Overlords can even beat Sarah Lyon's BOS.
But as I've said when we talked about previously, the only real way I can see Arthur Maxson being the "leader" at his age is if he's just a puppet for someone else.
When he said "this campaign" it gave me hope that this could be the MWBoS after all. The Blade Runner aspect seems like it is going to be a big part of the game. Maybe some how linked with the Calculator and it's armies. Given the humanoid robots in Tactics. There could be some link there. Those who created the robots continued their work in the Institute. Remember "It looks to be a substitute for a human who has lost their natural arm."
Maybe MIT has the backup floppy disk for the Calculator!
Was Calculator a robotic "The Master" kind of bad? Serious question I never played the game at all.
Yeah, he wanted to wipe out all organic life. However, depending on the ending, you could destroy Vault 0 and the, or bring Vault 0 and the Calculator under the control of the MWBoS by having the protag merge with it.