I could see him being their poster boy, seeing as how he was smart enough to make the Think Tank jealous.
I could see him being their poster boy, seeing as how he was smart enough to make the Think Tank jealous.
Personally, I think that if anything, Arthur is just a Knight being groomed for leadership, but Elder Lyons is still elder, and possibly Sarah Lyons is with young Arthur as a sort of mentor. Arthur could be leading the expedition to the Commonwealth, but he likely has a group advising him.
"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."
John Harington
While the Lone Wanderer lead the charge to save the Capital Wasteland, it was made up of the men and women of the Lyon's Brotherhood who had already spent years fighting mutants and raiders.
And they are the ones that built the peace afterwards.
A lot of things can go wrong in ten years, but the Lyon's Brotherhood has the chance to do great things.
Lyon's Brotherhood has saved the Capital Wasteland from both the Enclave and the Super Mutants (given that there will be no more Super Mutants from Vault 87.)
Even if that didn't cut much slack for them, the Lyon's Brotherhood also has total control of Project Purity and the DC Wasteland's primary water supply.
Just handling the water supply fairly will give them a lot of soft power in the DC Wasteland.
Add in providing assistance and training in non military technology applications and military assistance against Mutants and Raiders and they could be well loved in the Capital Wasteland.
With clean water for everyone, the people of the Capital Wasteland will be healthier and can grow more food.
The greater technology and safety will also attract people from the surrounding areas.
Ten years is long enough for the Lyon's Brotherhood to salvage the remains of the Enclave and induct and outfit a 2nd generation of native recruits swelling their numbers even more.
Recruits who have seen exactly what the Lyon's Brotherhood has done for the Capital Wasteland.
The West Coast Brotherhood might not like his methods, but they will like his successes.
Too much bad blood for the Outcasts to ever rejoin Lyon's Brotherhood, but ten years is long enough for them to get back in contact with the Brotherhood leadership.
Surely something can be worked out between the West Coast Brotherhood, the Outcasts, and the Lyons's Brotherhood.
An expedition to the Commonwealth sounds like a great way to get rid o... I mean reassign them.
Darn I was pulling for the more than one time skip theory. Oh well, airships make it alll better.
Please do not ask for details of where to find the leaks, discussion or link, a warning and suspension will be forthcoming for anyone who gives it.
He was being groomed for leadership by Elder Lyons in Fallout 3. I doubt they'll continue that in yet another major game.
He's 20 years old in Fallout 4, which is not a coincidence IMO. Young, but old enough to be killable, and old enough to reasonably lead a newly forged quasi-monastic state of the East Brotherhood.
I think Sarah Lyons could be Elder if her father has passed and Arthur Maxson will be in charge of Lyons Pride.
Or Elder Lyons is still Elder, Sarah is leading Lyons Pride in Boston with Maxson as her second in command.
And here I thought Sarah Lyons was dead, Project Purity full of modified FEV, and the Citadel a smoldering ruin...
Can't say that I am disappointed that I am wrong about both the BoS and the start date. I'm more disappointed that it took a random Spanish gamer to show us new, basic things about the game while Bethesda sat on their asses with the Fallout 4 quakecon footage. Absolute [censored] heads.
Thank you random Spanish gamer.
^This. All that time trying convince people it wasnt "200 years"
The NCR have always been interested in expanding. A major story arc in Fallout 2 is the power struggle between the NCR, New Reno, and Vault City. Although people like Tandi and Roger Westin had the best interest in being as peaceful as possible when expanding their nation, actions such as hiring crime families from New Reno to harass Vault City into joining the NCR say otherwise. A deal made by Tandi herself. They've grown far more aggressive (and careless) with their expansion with every new president elected in the NCR, but Tandi and the NCR of Fallout 2 were honestly not all that different either.
As for the new date, I can't remember whether I was of the mindset that it was exactly 200 years or just a generalized to be "a 200 something years" but I'm glad to hear it anyway. Having it be 2277 adds a lot of confusion with a BoS appearing in Boston (if they are Lyons chapter especially), and it's always good that the timeline is progressing.
There is a skeleton in the vault wearing a Vault 111 jumpsuit. So I guess my theory of the PC being an android is shot. I figure he is one of the "inhabitants" that refused cryosleep...maybe..
YES, especially since anything over "200 Years" was just speculation..."Codsworth even states 200 years". Yes yes I am.
Its crazy how much discussion and speculation comes out of knowing the Year. It's really interesting too, finding out a lot of history from previous Fallouts from this.
Maybe Young Arthur is merely a puppet. A young lad suddenly gets a important role of whole group makes anyone a bit dizzy and easy to confuse. So i assume that Lyons instructed his daughter to mentor the kid together with few loayl srcipes to groom Arthur. But there might be some inviduals who desire Arthur to be more prone to old ways.
Making Arthur a warmonger, tech stealing zealot. Rather than diplomatic rebuilder who tries to close gap between BOS and local peasants.
BOS was never a "Good guys" group. Lyons was rather unique fella compared to his fellow elders.
Gonna save you some trouble here, Mods said DON'T tell people where to find the leaks
"Squire Maxson's training is proceeding well, and the boy certainly has an aptitude for small arms. But I often worry about his emotional state. He is child surrounded by killers, being groomed to become a killer himself.
Maybe I've become too cynical, too soft in my old age, but I wish I could give the boy a more normal childhood. Ironic, considering his upbringing is so much like my own. Maybe that's what scares me."
Arthur was so timid in FO3, I bet he is one tough SOB in 4
We all knew as much as the next person did - next to nothing. So, I based my information on what I knew and defended it as best I could. Someone will inevitably be wrong, at least I am at the trade off of new footage .
Thanks, I'll edit it out of the post.
I have seen worse gkk7z. Back in a 2007 in Construction job in Vantaa. A pipe for human waste, a pipe for cold water & pipe for hot water broke down. Flooding a cellar of apartment complex. There was quite refreshing stench oozing out. I was lucky and i was send far away from the stench to organizing tools and building materials.
Back on topic, I'm really glad that FO4 isn't set at the same time as 3. Having a whole decade in between allows for a good deal of story advancement, although my own predicted start date was a couple of years out lol!