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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:17 pm

Given that Bethesda has unofficially laid claim to the entire east coast, I suspect we will learn about Florida in some way eventually. Fallout 3 told us of The Commonwealth and The Broken Banks, and going by the distances those places are from D.C., if Fallout 5 is set in The Broken Banks as I suspect, they will probably hint as there being some civlization in like Miami, and that its the next big stop along the trade routes. Fallout 6 or w/e will be set in Miami.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:48 pm

I just can't see Sarah Lyons, who is much more a soldier than anything else, give a damn about that sort of thing. Not to mention she's more than 10 years older than Arthur and probably thinks of him as a pupil more than anything else.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:36 am

Sarah is the inheritor of Lyon's legacy and everything he has done in the Capitol Wasteland, If Lyon's is dead then this fact would dawn upon her pretty quickly and she would have considerable power, influence and a vested interest in seeing her father's legacy maintained and continued into the future. Arthur Maxson, by tradition, is the new Elder due to his blood and that could really foil up her father's legacy if he believes that the Brotherhood should continue to abide by the codex, which could create conflict within the ranks of the Brotherhood and challenging the very essence of the Brotherhood itself.

And even if she doesn't, then the men and women under Lyon's certainly will. Remember, they revere Elder Lyons to the point where they outright disobey the infallible words of Roger Maxson to the point where the fundamentalist aspects of Lyon's BoS formed the Outcasts and fight a civil war over this point. It's likely the Eastern Brotherhood wouldn't like the idea of being led by somebody who isn't Lyon's outright successor or isn't connected to Lyons in anyways and especially if that person represents and is the ideological/genetic embodiment of the old Brotherhood and will regress them back in that direction. At that point, I'm sure Sarah will very much care about that sort of thing.

Politics is inherit in the nature of man and power is a delicate thing, Lyons understood this when he was an early dissenter of the Brotherhood out west, and it's likely why he took Arthur in out East, to try and make a real difference in an organization he loved, which is clearly in decline due to its unflinching, radical ideology.

By marriage with Sarah, Maxson would be legitimized in the eyes of the Eastern BoS and Lyon's in the eyes of the other BoS chapters. It would unify rather than divide the Brotherhood and ensure the Brotherhood remains the Brotherhood without becoming something entirely different.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:00 pm

I don't know about Arthur carrying on the traditional Codex. He's being raised by East Cost ideologies, as well as being a child when we saw him last. A child is the product of their environment and upbringing. I just don't see him taking up the old guard.

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:10 pm

I really hope nothing like any of that is in the game. Bloodlines shouldn't matter a damned bit in the Brotherhood of Steel, except possibly as a vague symbol.

The Brotherhood is not an inheritable monarchy, and should not be treated as such.

EDIT: That said, I strongly suspect the Brotherhood isn't 'goody-goody' now.

Especially since one of the Railroad missions seems to be to blow up the Brotherhoo's airship.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:32 am

Yes they do, at least when it comes to that of Maxson, the dude whose words they have worshiped and lived by for the last 200+ years.

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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:00 am

Aaaand they sent his sireling eastward for some reason.

"He'll be fine. He's a Maxson."

"He'd a child."

"He's a Maxson."


"Because Maxson."

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:09 am

No its more of closed church with power armor and Laser/Plasma weaponry (out West at least).......the codex has become holy rite rather than an operating manual and the Maxson name is very important to that community. For the hard liners (or fundamentalists) Lyons' BOS have pretty much strayed from the path and the Maxson name could either cement that new path or return the Brotherhood to its main beliefs.

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Emma Pennington
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:57 am

But it is, The Maxson family has lead the Brotherhood as its Head Elders since Roger Maxson conceived it in Lost Hills, save for the other chapters obviously who can't be led by a Maxson due to lack of Maxson's. The Brotherhood is monarchical by it's very nature, if it wasn't then the Maxson family shouldn't have the power they have.

In Fallout 3, this is very evident but you'd be wrong to say he isn't influenced by the Codex or his bloodline. He's pretty torn between his legacy, which is the legacy of Maxson *He knows the Codex inside and out and clearly cares for it and what it teaches* and Lyon's whom he deeply respects and cares for. This is the conflict which will define him as a man when he grows up and influences his decisions as a leader.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:14 am

Its said they sent him east because there was arguing among the Elders back west, and it was decided Arthur wouldn't be safe there.

Lyons was still respected at the time, considered trustworthy by Arthur's mother, and on the other side of the country where the western Elders couldn't get to him.

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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:47 am

She wasn't wrong, just look at Elijah.

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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:21 pm

Arthur 'not being safe' around the elders kinda indicates that the BoS isn't as strongly monarchial are you claim.

In any case, the BoS being led by a 10-20 year old child is a terrible, terrible idea. It's stuff Bethesda may put in because they want to create an incredibly stupid story about a boy-king, but that doesn't mean we should like it or just accept that these soldiers, who have already broken from the BoS traditions, will suddenly go with a tradition of following someone due to their name only.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:21 am

I am optimistic that the BoS we see in Boston, Lyon's or not, will be on a different path then the CwBoS. I think a little more aggressive, and more to the original doctrines of the BoS.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:17 pm

No, it just means the BoS acts like any medieval society with various nobles trying to displace the king and take control for themselves.

Except Lyons hasn't broken from BoS tradition.

He still follows the codex, he just put more effort into protecting people then the western Elders wanted, which is why the never officaly threw him out of the BoS, only told him he was on his own.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:53 am

The Codex is sacrosanct to the Brotherhood in the West, just look at what happened to poor Veronica when she attempted to push reformation in the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood. They basically turned her into an outcast and some of the Brotherhood even attempted to murder her as they went against the "infallible dogma" of Maxson. It depends on what chapter you look at to view the closeness of the Dogma, but from the original, main chapters point of view, the codex is law and MUST be abided by.

You're thinking about it wrong, Arthur wouldn't be safe be he would be the legitimizing force for these factions vying for power in the Western Brotherhood and one of these Elders may try and overthrow the current establishment by kidnapping the boy, claiming legitimacy and starting a civil-war which would inventively lead to the Western Brotherhood becoming very weakened and in a worse position then it already is. Whoever controls Maxson's linage controls the Brotherhood of Steel, this is why it wasn't safe for him out west.

Alexander the Great would disagree with you. Age doesn't decide if a leader will fail or not. The Brotherhood is a flawed organization with a storied history and has inherit structure, beliefs, traditions and rules. This is why the marriage is needed by Lyons because it allows the Brotherhood to maintain its image of being the Brotherhood while also moving towards reform and really legitimizing it due to the status of Maxson. Is it stupid? Yes, but the boy would have advisers and other influences to guide him and besides, the brotherhood is far from perfect.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:14 am

In the end, his way was the right thing for the BoS, he was a winner. The BoS is strengthened, doing good for the people (certain folks), and is respected and probably loved by the capital wasteland. A real local power, something they weren't before the Enclave collapsed and the mutants were a huge threat.

Still a lot can happen in ten years. Lyons might not be the elder anymore. Or the expeditionary force of the BoS is made up of hardliners.

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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:40 am

Sarah Lyon's, as far as we know, was first in line to becoming Elder.

Yeah, Owyn has probably kicked the bucket by now. It would be cool if that expedition is as you say it is - a group of hardline. What's interesting is that Owyn was described as being the reason why a lot of the hardline/xenophobic members didn't outright leave the BoS. Even Sarah Lyon's disliked people outside of the BoS but deeply respected her father's ideas. She thought the LW was just a trashy wastelander.

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Michelle Smith
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:42 pm

That is very possible as well, Maxson leaves with his forces to establish his own Brotherhood chapter in Boston due to his disagreements with the Lyon's power structure in the Capitol Wasteland, which leads to him taking all of the hardliners with him on an epic quest to establish the Brotherhood in Boston, it would be quite interesting to say the least.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:43 pm

I assume that the BOS operating in Boston will most likely be a detachment of Lyons' BOS, perhaps using an airship as its mobile base rather than the entire chapter.....assuming either Lyons are still alive at this point, sending Maxson off on his own (probably with some of Lyons' Pride to look over his shoulder) to Boston to investigate the Institute's tech allows his further training to his eventual role of Elder and also allows BOS to get their hands on some new tech. I expect that they will be a little more hard line since they aren't probably equipped to take over the region, so much as sail in and 'investigate' the area for pre-war tech and liberate the Institute's knowledge.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:48 pm

This makes me wonder about The Pitt.

Marie would be like 11 now, and they likely would have developed a cure for Trog syndrome.

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Ian White
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:47 pm

I don't think we can gamble on the site, but I will bet you 2 caps he isn't. Elders don't go out and fight, and I would wager he fights, and is maybe a companion. I will stick by Knight or Paladin. Of course, the funny thing will be we all think we know because the date is 10 years later that it CW BoS and then it turns out it is MW BoS. That, would be funny.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:38 pm

This is very solid speculation

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:03 am

i was really hoping that we get something like New York or Manhattan. More looking how Bethesda is exploring vertical gameplay now.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:24 pm

Yeah, and the ending to that would have massive ramifications on the Wasteland, I wonder if Ashur succeeded and made huge progress in building his railways or that drunk Wernher took control and did nothing with it...

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:08 am

Not really, the cure is designed to cure the Trog disease, which only exists around The Pitt. It can cure other mutations as well, but the people of the east coast wastelands don't seem to get things like third toes or w/e that often.

All the cure would do is mean Ashur wouldn't need to keep enslaving people, which would put a hurt on the slaver economy, but otherwise wouldn't change that much. We would hear that The Pitt has gotten a lot better, but its not going to have a massive change on the wasteland.

I also don't recall him building railways, only using pre-war ones when he found them.

Well, i've said it so many times by now, and don't want to type the whole thing out again, but, Bethesda, IMO, clearly established the places they wanted to be considered the "big" regions of the east coast, and those were D.C., The Pitt, Ronto, The Commonwealth, and The Broken Banks. If they really wanted to do a NYC Fallout game, they would have suggested as such in Fo3, when they were building the lore of the east coast.

Does that mean we will never get a NYC Fallout game? No, it just means I don't see them doing it based on the foreshadowing/lore building in Fallout 3.

-Fallout 3 was set in D.C., and with The Pitt, and Point Lookout covered Maryland, Virgina, Pennsylvania, and gave us lore about New Jeresy, covering what amounts to the cetral third of the east coast.

-Fallout 4 is set in Massachusetts, will likely give us a DLC to New York State, and give us background lore on nearby states like Maine, Vermont, and New Hampsire, covering the upper third of the east coast

-Fallout 5 will likely be set in Charelston South Carolina, give us lore about North Carolina, and we will maybe get a DLC to Atlanta, covering the lower thrid of the east coast.

It just makes sense based on what Bethesda is seemingly doing IMO.

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