i think shadows look fine inside, there arent many to have a good reference.
i think shadows look fine inside, there arent many to have a good reference.
Given who he is, he probably has a high visibility position and is being groomed for leadership, but not a lot of responsibilities yet.
Old man Lyons would be 85 now, his daughter Sarah is 36.
Fun facts:
Lone wonderer;29 years old.
He has 10 more years before he disapiers from the wasteland,so his action might be mentioned.
The courier, I have no idea the age but he is at Big MT and introducing science new and old to the wasteland.
Prepare to see many things from Fallout 3, guys.
I knew it. I flipping knew it.
The "200 years" statement by Pete was nothing but a misdirection. Glad to see we have proof and can put it to rest.
I hope the "you guys need to just accept that its 200 years. Its confirmed." people are feeling a bit silly now.
I kid, but really, this is great news for the narrative.
ppl took to literal the 200 year from Todd and Codsworth. Is like saying "100 year ago" and normally that mean 101 110 115
I think he means anything that doesn't make the LW vague
It's happened before it past Fallouts, I see nothing wrong with definning the LW.
Can't you do both by using a Schrodinger ban where they are simultaneously banned for all eternity and not banned for all eternity?
I believe he's trying to say that, much like how vague Beth keeps player actions between TES games, that they'll do the same for Fallout
Hmmmm! Crow.
It's what is for my dinner.
Yeah, I'd agree with that, but saying past games weren't made by Beth? 3 was, and we're on 4 now. Just because 1 and 2 weren't made by them doesn't mean they wouldn't follow the trend of keeping some of the player actions from past games vague, while still painting them into a desired outcome for the timeline in this game.
Ohh no! its not years after NV Awesomepossum!
Todd would never lie to us about the date!
Bu-bu-but them saying they never go back in time doesn't mean anything becuase New Vegas was a side game!
Which is years after NV.
year = 1
years = more then one year
6 > 1