Unless we get boy king garbage.
Unless we get boy king garbage.
That makes me happy. It gives things time to develop. I'd rather like to see the BoS operating in an expanded capacity, even though that's clearly going to grind some people's gears.
Way better than shoe-horning in the MWBOS IMO.
Regardless, I'll wait to judge the story until the game comes out and I've played through completely. Until then, at least Fallout 3 isn't concurrent, which would have just been awful. The timeline moving forward allows us to see some ramifications from Fallout 3. Which I'm happy about.
i'm saying it was 6 years after NV,since NV took place in 2281.
In all honesty, that seems like something the BOS would do, given how Lyons is barely holding his BOS together.
Well that makes more sense than the literal 200 years claims....on Arthur Maxson, as has been said in F3 he was shown to be in a special position in Lyons' BOS and was obviously being groomed for leadership, so its not exactly strange that at 20 considering the planned successor (Sarah Lyons) maybe dead that Maxson could be leading Lyons' BOS or indeed just a detachment of Lyons' BOS since its unlikely that Lyons' BOS has abandoned DC.
Also this could allow them to change Lyons' BOS back towards its roots if Bethesda wished to since under new management its easily possible that Maxson could unite Lyons' BOS and the Outcasts. It even gives us a plausible reason for Western BOS to begin emigrating east to join up with them since the knowledge that a Maxson was in charge of a BOS chapter, combined with their ultimately doomed position in the West gives us a reason why BOS as a whole could make a decision to move to a safer location.
I am even more excited now. I'm glad it's set after the events of FO3 and not right after/concurrently.
Should be interesting. The hype is real!
>People calling the sword in the stone Excalibur
Disgusting, whoever wrote that movie should be shot.
Well, we hope so. There definitely better be some damned lore from FO 3, or then I will be pissed. Of course, we will have those people chime in that "BGS never declares canon in TES!", and IF that turns out to be true.......ARgggggghhhhhh. If we find out about a Pat Unisix LW, I think I may blow a gasket.
And again, I don't think it would have been shoe-horning, and I will find a "boy king" story to be extremely lame, so I hope they do not go that route. Maxson better be a Knight, MAYBE a Paladin. If he is Head Paladin, or an Elder, again, I will blow a gasket. If Liberty Prime shows up to win us the final battle of the game again, I will, without a doubt, blow a gasket.
That is like the best King Arthur movie I have ever seen, don't dis on Excalibur.
well but if TES is a reference, on Skyrim there was a book that vaguely explain what happen on the Oblivion crisis. And if i remember correctly some NPC speak about it, and Shegoroth (sorry is i spelll it wrong) quest on Skyrim is related to the DLC.
I'd be standing by to blow that gasket, because I definitely think they were setting Arthur up to succeed in Fallout 3. Also....Prydwen.
If he is a oh-so--great-and-noble king, yeah that could get lame. But if he's sufficiently gray, or even morally corruptible (perhaps he's become devious and expansionist) then I wouldn't mind it. Or even if he's being used as a puppet for the real power behind the throne, with some interesting Byzantine-style politics in the background, than that could also be interesting depending on how its written.
Regardless we don't know. I wouldn't say that just because he's a King Arthur reference, that its automatically doomed to failure. It is possible to do the boy-king trope well.
I'm not, but Excalibur is not the sword in the stone.
Excalibur was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake.
I see it two ways: The group removed old Lyons from power and put Arthur up because he represents the core essence of the group that Lyons more or less discarded, or Lyons passed leadership to Arthur and he does his own take on the 'white knight' BOS.
I would much rather prefer some originality, instead of going with what we all thought may be the case 7 years ago.
The lady of the lake is in the movie. Mayhaps you should just go watch it.
yeah Hollywood make sure to destroy Arthur tale. They have change it so much that ppl dont really know it anymore.
I never said she wasn't. I said Arthur is supposed to get Excalibur from her, not from the stone.
You know nothing, Jon Snow. Maxson was as close to a Messiah, Prophet, Steel Jesus, as the Brotherhood has got. Anybody that's related the the original, is like the son of god himself to them. At twenty, and with the potential death of an Elder Lyons, I can safely say I expect they would make him Elder of the BoS over Sarah, because Sarah doesn't seem like she wants to rule. She just wants to fight. Arthur is a clever excuse to push herself aside.
And besides, Bethesda generally plans ahead. I can totally believe Arthur was being set up in three to become a central figure in the next title, or several titles over. I can imagine two scenarios:
1: Elder Lyosn is already dead, and Arthur has already taken over.
2: Elder Lyons will die sometime during the tale of Fallout 4.
OR heres a bonus idea: Arthur and Sarah create a power struggle.
This is, of course, if it really is Lyons, though will the recently revealed date, I'd say the Lyons theory had just gained a new leg.
OR HERES ONE MORE! Lyons end up fighting the Midwestern Chapter, thus why we 'blow up' an airship.
You can side with different factions now, so we're not forced to side with the BoS at all. If they're all the way in Boston then they've definitely had dreams of empire, and there's going to be a lot more grey to them than previous appearances in a similar fashion to how the NCR were white in the old games but turned grey in the newer ones.
I can see the BoS's interest in Boston being the delicious technology inside The Institute, and their stance on android rights being more a tactic to destabilize the techno-lords of MiT and have a propaganda victory rather than a genuine concern for their rights.
yeah i think so too, after securing a foothold on Dc and a Base of Operation they probabbly go back to the old ways. Trying to get as much technology.
It will be fun if the CWBoS become over time, like the NCR and star taking more territory trow power, and on a future game we have a clash between the 3 factions NCR Legion and CWBoS
I dunno how other people's experiences were, but when I played Fallout 2 they didn't come off as a "white" faction at all.
I don't want to derail the thread too much, but legends vary. Some call both swords Excalibur. The film is based on Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Mallory and he uses both legends.
"Malory records both versions of the legend in his Le Morte d'Arthur, naming both swords as Excalibur."