Eh, I was felt that sentiment stemmed from Fallout 3 forcing you to join the Brotherhood. At least this time it's optional
Eh, I was felt that sentiment stemmed from Fallout 3 forcing you to join the Brotherhood. At least this time it's optional
So does anyone think that youll actually be able to play baseball or football or do you think itll be like just throwing a football over or hitting a baseball with a bat? Be really cool to have the games as some side stuff to do.
I saw some little excitement and some disappointment at the end...damn...
Those joinable factions all look ''good'' (karma), too good.
Uh huh, just like your forced to be the Dragonborn right?
There is a difference between the fundamental backstory of the game, such as being the Vault Dweller, being the Chosen One, being the Lone Wanderer, being the Nerevarne, etc. etc., which is always told to you beforehand, and some plot twist down the road.
You have been forced to be the goodguy in every Bethesda game since TES1: Arena
Not being a total white knight =/= not being the good guy.
No. They look grey. There goal is 'Freedom for androids' which is not really 'good'. It's a debatable thing and neither good or evil.
I hope so. Can't tell until further information.
But, I'm really glad with this surprise (that we got plenty of choices).
So, the Never Go It Alone achievement has silhouettes of five companions behind Vault Boy - pretty sure two of them are Piper and Preston Garvey based completely on the silhouette. But is that a silhouette of... a Protectron?
yeah I was thinking that too. Would be awesome if we could have a Protectron companion
I am hoping that this is correct. If there is no way to side with the Institute I would be pretty upset. Although Institutionalized isn't usually used in a postive way. It could also be that the Institute captures you.
When it comes to if you could join all the factions in one playthrough or not I'm torn. Besides the Rocket's Red Glare trophy, nothing really seems to be suggesting that the factions are hostile to each other. In the concept art we see Preston Garvey fighting alongside the Sole Survivor and the Brotherhood of Steel. This most likely because Preston Garvey is a companion, but still would they really fight alongside the leader of an enemy faction? I mean in Fallout 3 they don't seem to mind Fawkes or Charon, even though the Brotherhood has been fighting the mutants and they dislike ghouls, but I feel they aren't causing problems in 3 because they are your friend. If joining one group locks you out of another, and the 3 groups vying for power are the MInutemen, Brotherhood, and Railroad, I'd imagine the Brotherhood wouldn't just fight alongside him. they are still ranked alongside the Brotherhood, who we already know is strong, and the Railroad. We don't know the strength of them yet, but in 3 they are mentioned as the opposition to the Institute, so they probably aren't very weak. Perhaps they would act as a faction the player can join and not be locked out of another faction. As I said before, the only trophy that seems to imply opposition between the confirmed factions we could join is Rocket's Red Glare.
The Minutemen are sort of a mystery to me. There is only a few left in the Musuem when you meet Garvey. Would their questline be about expanding and making them stronger? I'd imagine if Preston Garvey, the leader of their entire faction can travel around the wasteland with you, they aren't very powerful or strong. That would be like if the Elder of the Brotherhood decides to become your companion.
If all the factions are indeed joinable in one playthrough as some seem to suspect, maybe that trophy is for a quest where the Institute or someone else attacks the Brotherhood and the Railroad has to help.
Are we sure the ones in the museum are the only minutemen? Maybe Preston is just the leader of this group.
TECHNICALLY the purest BoS members are from bloodlines from the pre-war, thus their general dislike of outsiders in New Vegas. Not to say they are pure liek teh Enclave, but yes, a pre-war soldier would probably be like finding a gold mine since their obsessed with old tech.
Why does everyone keep saying this? Bethesda bent over backwards to justify their characterization of the Brotherhood - even after the Outcasts split, there were several members of the Brotherhood that only stayed out of loyalty to Lyons, and still disagree with abandoning their original mission. The Lyons Brotherhood was the most well explained and justified part of Fallout 3's entire story.
I see a lot of potential for them in Fallout 4, too, especially if Arthur Maxson is the new Elder. It was heavily implied in 3 that one of the only things keeping the Brotherhood together was the leadership of Elder Lyons - like I said, many only stayed out of loyalty to him, and he was sent east in the first place because of how well respected he was among the Brotherhood leadership. Arthur's got the name of Maxson to command loyalty, but can he lead the Brotherhood as effectively as Lyons did (especially if he tries to prioritize the people of the wasteland over the Brotherhood's original mission)? Or will the Brotherhood get in way over their head in the Commonwealth, and fail catastrophically? Will Arthur Maxson be able to live up to his family legacy?
Frankly, all I see for the traditional Brotherhood of Steel on the west coast is either total collapse from their inability to sustain themselves (which Obsidian showed us in New Vegas), or some drastic changes in their philosophy - like what happened on the east coast and before that in the Midwest.
The reason people dislike the characterization of the BoS in Fallout 3 is that they took a xenophobic group of a-holes and turned them into goody two shoes philanthropists.
On the other hand, I doubt that the BoS in Fallout 4 is anywhere near as nice and cuddly as the one in Fallout 3.
Because its easier to hate on something when you grossly oversimplify it.
Lets ignore facts like
-Lyons still shoots at non-feral ghouls, and wasn't giving them water from the purifier.
-Members of Lyons BoS mowing down effectively defenseless Megaton settlers trying to get water from them, even making comments about "not putting it on the report".
-Several people, such as Scribes Bigsley and Yearling, getting quasi-exiled for expressing dissenting views.
-Even Lyons best friend, and his own daughter, express a dislike for what he has done, and some contempt for wastelanders.
But no, they are all white knights doing it out of the goodness of the hearts, for peace, justice, and all those things!