» Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:14 pm
I came about this quest all kinds of wacky ways. First, I ran into the spy just exploring the terminal building and took his quest to place the bomb with no intention of really doing it. I figured I could just turn him in. I didn't want to piss off the Legion until after I talked to Caesar though so I held off on it. After I went to the Fort and got into the bunker, killed Benny and told Caesar I'm not working for him I proceeded to kill every Legion at Cottonwood Cove and hence they hate me now. I went back to McCarren and the bomb wasn't in the trash. The quest marker was there but I couldn't get it and the NCR wouldn't trust me enough to do the mission (I decided to kill the mercs at Jacobstown because I wanted their gear) so I did a couple NCR missions to get in their good graces and then got the mission to find the spy. I went to the tower, heard the spy talk, though he seemed to just mention NCR positions and such and not the bomb but maybe I just engaged him too fast. Long story longer, I reported him, was told to run to the monorail but had no chance of defusing the bomb. The monorail was scripted to take off and blow up as soon as I opened the door. Still got my quest reward and gained NRC fame, so it seems clear you can't defuse the bomb. It's a scripted event.