The Brotherhood of Steel "Ad Victorium" quest depicts Vault Boy standing in front of a giant robot foot. This is strongly suggesting the return of Liberty Prime, and if this is true than all but confirms that the Brotherhood of Steel in game is the same we saw in 3. That would in turn, confirm that the game truly does not take place 200 years after the war, meaning it isn't set in the same year as Fallout 3. In order for it to be set in 2277, one of 2 things would have to be the case
- The Brotherhood of Steel manages to somehow fix Liberty Prime and become strong enough to maintain a presence in both D.C and Boston, possibly creating an empire or nation of sorts right after Fallout 3 ends.
- There is more than one type of Liberty Prime type robot.
Both options don't make sense both logically and going along with the lore. I have said before that the Brotherhood of Steel is in no position by the end of Fallout 3 to be in the in the position the Brotherhood in 4 appears to be in. They have a few vertibirds, not the fleets that the chapter in 4 seem to possess. The Capital Wasteland is not a solved issue by any means at the end of 3. Yes they may have clean water, but the Wasteland still has multiple raider groups. Paradise Falls is still a massive slaver hub. Remaining mutants may not be a long term problem, but clearing them out in the weeks and months after Fallout 3 will still be a priority. Not to mention the civil war with the Outcasts and the fact that the Capital Wasteland is still a hellhole for the most part, with a few towns spread around the region whose only real cooperation with each other seems to just be trading. The Brotherhood has no reason to just send troops and equipment to Bostom for no logical reason when they have only started to fix the issues in their surrounding region. Liberty Prime is also destroyed and if they somehow manage to fix him, it wouldn't be in 2277. It took 20 years to fix him and he wasn't even fully completed at the end of Fallout 3. So if they do manage to repair him it would take more than a couple of months.The other option wouldn't make any sense either. Liberty Prime was never even finished before the war, why would they make multiple of the project they never bothered to complete in the first place.
Thus the only way he could be in the game and it not have it so the Brotherhood of Steel manage to fix a massive pre war project in weeks and then decide to randomly go to Boston, or that there are multiple Liberty Primes on the East Coast waiting at any second to strike, is that the Brotherhood after years manage to repair Liberty Prime. They could say that it was after the Brotherhood created a new nation out of the ruins of the Capital Wasteland, and somehow managed to gain massive industrial might, allowing them to build new vertibirds, weapons, and perhaps new power armor, equiping and growing their army to go along with the land they gain. The only way that any of this would be possible is if years go by, allowing the Brotherhood time to expand. The airship bearing the name of King Arthur's horse, the East Coast Brotherhood having Arthur Maxson, the presence of vertibirds when the Lyons BOS is the only known BOS with them. Now with the foot of what appears to be Liberty Prime, it is increasingly likely that this is the same group from 3. Some have said that it's possible they do something similar to Fable and they do a large timeskip but that doesn't seem like something Bethesda would do.