Edit : Due to popular demand I'll allow people to confirm/deny and discuss the presence of Mirelurks/Yao Guai/Geckos. If I can get a Yao Guai as a pet/Mount and raise them, and whether the gun mechanics and damage system is akin to NV or FO3. Anything more than that though, is too still too much. Thanks for at least following what I asked for so far.
Right, I barely watched the Trailer due to self-censoring, so I don't need to know much to know I'm buying the game. With that in mind, NO SPOILERS PLEASE! Any information released outside of that original trailer is not wanted in this thread, and I will report any such attempts to the Mods. I do not want to know, please respect that.
Now that's out of the way, let me begin with what I want in the game :
- Mirelurks and Yao Guai. Maybe Geckos, if possible. I liked Mirelurks, because they were weird, underrated and underused. A new incarnation or redesign of these guys would be welcome.
Yao Guai, on the other hand, are my favourite Fallout animals. I don't just want them in the game. I want to kick Dogmeat out, and have a Yao Guai as a pet. We saw Scavengers have them as pets in FO3, so it's about time we (the player) got the same. I want them to level up and get stronger, I want to be able to have one as a Mount and I want to be able to give him upgradable Armour (like Armour Plating). I'm think at least Metal Armour, with extra spikes. This is something I really, really want to see, I so hope it catches on.
As for Geckos, they were always kinda cool in New Vegas, and some were even not hostile. Much like having a Yao Guai, having a pack of Geckos would be very awesome. If I had to choose though, Yao Guai is still my favourite.
- The vastly improved Gun mechanics and damage systems from New Vegas have to return, we can't go back to FO3's 85% DR VATS and all that stuff. I'm hoping they've at least kept it NV style, or modified that template even further. It was a vastly superior experience in that regard, in my opinion.
- And, for my final hope, the one everyone can agree on, I would like Fallout 4 to please try to not have many game-breaking, save corrupting or total game crashing bugs and glitches. These are usually far, far easier to deal with on PC, but for console users, it can totally kill the game. If it crashes, our only alternative is usually a hard reset, and with games like these (Bethesda RPGs), they can cause no end of problems for console gamers. We all know to back up our saves, use multiple save files, turn autosave off if it's contributing to loading errors, loading an earlier save then the one you want to get back to where you were, and generally being aware of everything that can and may go wrong.
However, this brings me to my main and central concern :
- A whole world of gamers are psyched for Fallout 4, and it's bringing scores of people to prepare in anticipation. I don't mean to add any additional pressure to you guys at Bethesda, but there's millions of people who are going to be upset if the game doesn't run to a fair and functional degree. Those preorders are made out of trust, including my own, and no-one expects miracles, but we can't have a year's worth of patches to bring it up to being playable post-release. If it suffers from any really serious issues at release, all it'll do is justify the attitude (an attitude I condone, understand and have done before) that holding off buying the game until the inevitable GOTY edition is the best course of action. It saves time, money and stress for the customer if they just treat the game like an announcement and wait for the "full version" to come out later.
And we all know there will probably be a season pass and DLC, so it really is imperative that FO4 works universally on all the platforms it's on, when it releases on 10th November.
So, that's pretty much everything I wanted to say (as far as I can remember).
Please Bethesda, the Yao Guai are counting on you.