Spoilers in the Spoilers page!

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:40 am

Okay this may fit more as a general discussion, but its about this forum so here it is.

What is with everyone yelling at someone for spoiling something when the forum title is Fallout: New VEgas DLC Cheats, Hints and SPOILERS. Be warned all who come here you could, and will be spoiled.

No one raised this kind of fuss with the other DLCs came out, and this is mind numbing. No one should have to use the spoiler tags in this sub-forum unless the original poster asks for them. You will not get a warning or banned for posting things in the right area, and this is the right area for spoilers.

It just seems like all this Oh noez you said a spoiler better tag it biz is getting out of hand.
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Brittany Abner
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