Brotherhood of Steel of course. They have laser guns and Power Armor.
Brotherhood of Steel of course. They have laser guns and Power Armor.
The Brotherhood first, i don't know a lot about the others to be honest, and i've joined the Bos in the past, finding out about new factions is what makes a new game exciting and enjoyable for me.
I did not vote, but might be for the Minutemen as it is the "local flavor", sort of speak. Not sure until the game comes out and get the understanding of the groups.
The Evil one. BTW wich one is the evil choice?
Whichever one gives me the best options for making moola and stealing gear.
Don't feel bad about being forced to be good. You can always break into someone's house and steal their Pre-war parkstroller outfits over and over, until you feel Evil again.
If anyone, it is most likely BoS. Railroad blowing up their airship as their final quest might suggest that BoS is even worse than The Institute for Androids (well, unless both BoS and Institute have airships you blow up XP ).
However, I am getting an impression that Beth is going for grayness here and if so there won't be any good-or-evil choices. Just factions with different beliefs, fighting one another for power over Boston (as described on Steam Page).
Could you join the evil Faction in Fallout 1; yes but the game ended immediately, could you join the evil faction in Fallout 2? No. EVERY FALLOUT game had antagonist factions you couldn't join. Next you'll whine you couldn't join Dagoth Ur, Mehrunes Dagon and Alduin.
Which could mean they've simply abandoned the Karma system all together.
Well you could join Ceasar's Legion in NV and support the Enclave in FO3 (which was a [censored] thing to do... seriously, even a psychopath would be unlikely to do that).
But all in all, lack of karma system does not mean you are forced to be good. Judging by what we know, Beth is going for grayness here, not good&evil. And that would be better than some senselessly evil option anyway. I am fine with FO3 being focused on good&evil as it was the theme of that game, but I would really hate to see that twice in row. I'd even say that NV was way too black&white.
And you can do that here too: just go around and kill people. If you play such kind of character, you don't have a reason to join the conflict here anyway.
BoS for the first playthrough (if I'll manage to get into the BoS). It's always good to have an army to back you up .
But that's just playthrough one and contains monstly the story-driven path. Explorations are endgame or other playthroughs, whenever I got a feeling for the game and it's mechanics.
Nice info... And for me I think is going to be... Free all the slaves, all of them!
Just because you can't join the Insitute's ranks, doesn't mean you can't side with them. I wouldn't imagine us just being able to join their ranks and be a scientist or something? But siding with them in quests seems very plausible
More than likely the Brohood of Steel.
I love them. Always have. And they are THE ICON of the Fallout universe. Well... Aside from the Vault Boy, of course.