Spoken dialogue is the single complexity-removing device.

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:18 pm

Never going to happen.

Not only does it help immersion, somewhat, it is also the best form of communication available, yes you can be very verbose with written language, however it is unnatural, especially in a game.

Though i do not see how they cannot add informative letters/scrolls whatever into the game to help describe things, quests and so on.
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:14 pm

Solution: Invent a natural sounding computer generated text to voice function!

Speech synthesis is the future of RPG.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:26 pm

I once saw a site that said over 70% of Oblivions data was voice acting.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:34 pm

I guess that the future, for these games, lies in computer-generated speech. No, not the "Please ... turn... right" type of speech. But IF, and that's a big IF, computer speech could be made to become more realistic and articulate, closer to actual speech, with more intonations and nuances than it is now... well, THEN, you could have BOTH a huge amount of NPCs and dialogue, quests that have depth and multiple paths, speech, and the game would still be a manageable size.

I don't believe that there is another way. Add depth and you need to record more dialogue - or remove it altogether and go back to text.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:26 pm

I tend to hear how voice acting is one of the greater evils of this game, ever since Oblivion really...
Then the cries about "immersion" appear and it all becomes really ironic.

Written dialog is not at all inherently better, it's a different medium overall. Written things don't have acting, you cannot measure the tone certain sentences are said, there are no accents, no emotion, no hidden meaning unless the text itself tells you about it.
And it's not even true how text is more "dynamic" or how voiced dialog is limited to the one recorded, because written dialog is limited to what is actually written. You won't get better directions in written form if the person moves away from the original spot, and you cannot create long text dynamically without making it sound unnatural even in text. At most they could do is to say "it's east/west/north/south/wherever from here" and these can be even recorded.
Only big difference that text can mention your name, whoopie-doo...

Written things don't have acting
Written things can have any kind of acting the reader imagines.

you cannot measure the tone certain sentences are said
Conveying tone and context is job of the writer or is it your opinion that all literature is devoid of context, presence and tone? In addition video games may supplement the written word through the use of visual and audible elements.

there are no accents, no emotion, no hidden meaning unless the text itself tells you about it.
See above.

You won't get better directions in written form if the person moves away from the original spot
"West of the main Riften gate..."
"From the ruined tower south of Whiterun, I'll mark it on your map, turn East and ...."
"Let me mark it on your map"

Are examples of directions which are independent of NPC location :shrug:
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Jon O
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:48 pm

I think the mods should ban the words "complex" and "complexity" from these boards. :whistling:

Please stop thinking.
It's obviously not your strong side.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:23 pm

Spoken dialog wouldn't be as bad as it is right now if people actually have some interesting things to say. There is nothing to most npc beyond the "perhaps I can help you outp" and the "what do you have for sale" options. For a game that strifes to be organic and feel alive, it fails to where I find it matters the most, NPC interactions.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:19 am

Excellent post OP.

However, I think this guy says it right there:

I think that's precisely because of being a different medium that they should aim for a balance between the two; they offer different possibilites and complement each other very well.

I think Baldur's Gate II did it right. You'd get the initial lines voiced and the rest was all text. The result was long dialogues with lots of nuances, but with a good ammount of dialogue, both casual-banter and plot-essential ones, resulting in everlasting dialogues, memmes, etc. ("Go for the eyes Boo!"; "Luck be a Lady" etc.). Look at Jim Cummings (Minsc's voice in BG), the guy is all over Skyrim and a voice like that adds up to the immersion.

Curiously enough, I think Skyrim would be a good game for a system like that. I agree with the others that said a game of this magnitude in terms of graphic immersion would be weird, to say the least, without VA dialogues. I think if they focused on the initial lines - to get us going, sort of like setting the tone for that NPC - we would do the rest with our minds.

I doubt KOTOR or Dragon Age had more dialog than BG, yet both of them were fully voice acted.

Thing with Skyrim's dialog is also that it feels realistic, not a completely different part of the game where everything else stops, background still moves, the character emotes and the like, with text you HAVE TO pause the game even if not it is a noticeable difference in perspective.

There's just no real advantage of text-only dialog compared to voiced ones. The size-budget is not exactly a big issue with Bethesda, there are all kinds of compression techniques for this and they can always just release it on multiple disks if needed or download the extra files.
The Dynamic part ends with seeing your name appear, even though you never actually introduced yourself, text is still needs to be typed in and it cannot create anything more dynamically than mentioning different names.
And hearing the same voice over and over is hardly any different than seeing the same text without any change over and over...

Written things don't have acting
Written things can have any kind of acting the reader imagines.

Not the same, not even close.

There are things that you just cannot imagine without reference.
you cannot measure the tone certain sentences are said
Conveying tone and context is job of the writer or is it your opinion that all literature is devoid of context, presence and tone? In addition video games may supplement the written word through the use of visual and audible elements.

there are no accents, no emotion, no hidden meaning unless the text itself tells you about it.
See above.

Yes, it is more possible in literature, but even there it is about the writer telling us these directly, while in a visual-audio medium there's no need for this.

Especially in video games where just the plain spoken text appears.
And those visual/audible elements... that's what voice acting does.
You won't get better directions in written form if the person moves away from the original spot
"West of the main Riften gate..."
"From the ruined tower south of Whiterun, I'll mark it on your map, turn East and ...."
"Let me mark it on your map"

Are examples of directions which are independent of NPC location :shrug:

And these cannot be voice acted, because...
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:13 am

Never going to happen.Not only does it help immersion, somewhat, it is also the best form of communication available

... IF you only wish to communicate one single thing per voice sample.

yes you can be very verbose with written language, however it is unnatural, especially in a game.

Disagree completely. Games continue to this day to have text dialogue and sell very well. I doubt that text based dialogue would cause any significant drop in sales, however it would create a much more impressive, flexible, immersive environment for a game that boasts openness. It does however represent more work for developers.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:39 pm

And hearing the same voice over and over is hardly any different than seeing the same text without any change over and over...

I just... can't believe you wrote that.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:12 pm

Here's what Ken Rolston (ex-Bethesda dev, lead designer for Morrowind and Oblivion) had to say about voice acting in an interview with AusGamers.

AusGamers: Yeah, but RPGs are big business now. And back in the day, they were almost closet in themselves. You had your kind of core audience and now they’ve reached this mainstream saturation point. Surely people can take that kind of risk factor, like “let’s just put this out there and see what happens”.

Ken: Ah no, because what the audience wants is a polished product, and it turns out that if you wanted to make an experimental role-playing game, you could not make a modern looking one or a modern feeling one. For example: let’s talk in the abstract about the worst thing that ever happened to role-playing games is recorded audio for dialogue. I happen to believe that was the death of my joy. Because that limits… that causes production things… the content has to be nailed down at a certain point.

So [voiced] text is not easily revisable. As I play, text is easily revisable; audio isn’t. As I play, I want to make tiny little changes to the tone, to the feel of things, but you can’t do that when you have all this audio — oh my god, all the audio that we have to record! So what I’m going to say is: for what the audience wants, we are forced to create these things that are very brittle, that cannot be revised.

Whereas in the happy old days of Baldurs Gate and things like that, I thought you had the best of both worlds. You could have a little snippet of dialogue that would give character, but then you would get in text trees which you could easily scan and click through. For page, that’s the important thing; dialogue pace. In a good old-fashioned role-playing game, the user controls the pace, where unfortunately in both video and recorded audio, you can’t scan it and you can’t backtrack in it.

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:49 am

Written things don't have acting, you cannot measure the tone certain sentences are said, there are no accents, no emotion, no hidden meaning unless the text itself tells you about it.
And it's not even true how text is more "dynamic" or how voiced dialog is limited to the one recorded, because written dialog is limited to what is actually written. You won't get better directions in written form if the person moves away from the original spot, and you cannot create long text dynamically without making it sound unnatural even in text. At most they could do is to say "it's east/west/north/south/wherever from here" and these can be even recorded.
Only big difference that text can mention your name, whoopie-doo...

Have you ever read a good book?

If not then I can understand why you posted that nonsense.
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des lynam
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:56 pm

I see no point for having written text with no voice acting unless you want Morrowind's "everyone is an encyclopedia" approach. We just need more voice actors and more recorded lines for a game of Skyrim's size.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:34 pm

Here's what Ken Rolston (ex-Bethesda dev, lead designer for Morrowind and Oblivion) had to say about voice acting in an interview with AusGamers.

Excellent quote, thanks :)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:21 pm

Have you ever read a good book?

If not then I can understand why you posted that nonsense.

Games are far from good books.

And no, good books are not better than good movies either.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:12 pm

I see no point for having written text with no voice acting unless you want Morrowind's "everyone is an encyclopedia" approach. We just need more voice actors and more recorded lines for a game of Skyrim's size.

...And yet you would expect any character to have knowledge of lots of things yes? You seem to suggest having text dialogue will make people too knowledgeable, and the solution is to transfer that knowledge into voice acting. I cannot see the logic there :)
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:35 am

Games are far from good books.

And no, good books are not better than good movies either.

You seem to be flailing at mist, sir :)
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Nicholas C
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:13 am

I would just like to add that books are better than movies straight out, Bukee lol

The reader can better involve themselves in writing, using their own tones and voice in their mind to convey the story in a sort of view all their own.

More immersive ultimately than *limited* dialogue
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:43 pm

...And yet you would expect any character to have knowledge of lots of things yes? You seem to suggest having text dialogue will make people too knowledgeable, and the solution is to transfer that knowledge into voice acting. I cannot see the logic there :)

With text the developers could get away with having an NPC tell your character paragraphs of information at a whim (which I dislike). With voice acting it would be even more jarring to hear all that from every NPC. But that doesn't mean I think Skyrim has the right amount of dialogue yet or enough voice actors. Skyrim does need more dialogue content but even doubling the amount won't make it approach Morrowind's encyclopedic level.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:54 pm

A hybrid system would be awesome. At least until the hardware/software catches up to the designer's vision.

And yes, the gaming world will be light years ahead once a text to computer generated speech that sounds good and can do accents/dialects is invented properly. Sorry voice actors, I'm kind of rooting for the day you aren't needed.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:10 pm

A hybrid system would be awesome. At least until the hardware/software catches up to the designer's vision.

And yes, the gaming world will be light years ahead once a text to computer generated speech that sounds good and can do accents/dialects is invented properly. Sorry voice actors, I'm kind of rooting for the day you aren't needed.

Oh, so someone DID read my post :P Well, I think that this is unescapably what needs to happen if CRPGs aim to create a large, believable world which has depht... hopefully they've already thought about this and are already funding research which will lead towards the perfect text-to-speech software :)
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:40 am

As someone who's read a good couple hundred fantasy books and played and still plays a lot of Morrowind I find the statement that text can't convey personality or tone to be quite false. Not to mention text allows for characters to say a lot more giving them more depth than if they had to rely on spoken dialogue alone which is limited due to the size of an average sound file and the storing capacity of the machines we run TES on.

Really to take an NPC form Morrowind I feel I got to know Ajira from the mages guild of Balmora a lot better than I got to know most of the NPC's in Skyrim. She's not the biggest of NPC's but she has a lot to her due to just how much can be said about her through text and this makes for memorable characters with personality.

I'm not saying characters in Skyrim don't have their own personality, and often just a few lines can tell you a lot about the general attitude of a character. But if you wish to delve deeper and truly get to know the character in a way where you could guess the background and future aspirations of the character then you're going to need a lot more than 2 or 3 lines of recorded dialogue.

Movies can rarely if ever portray characters from books as deeply as the books can and games with recorded dialogue rarely make you feel like you know a character as well as games with text based dialogue do.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:37 pm

... IF you only wish to communicate one single thing per voice sample.

Disagree completely. Games continue to this day to have text dialogue and sell very well. I doubt that text based dialogue would cause any significant drop in sales, however it would create a much more impressive, flexible, immersive environment for a game that boasts openness. It does however represent more work for developers.

It does not matter about how a game sells, this a permanent design decision.

People (as in the oh so unfortunate invention of the majority) simply will not accept a game that used to have spoken dialogue to text dialogue, its an illogical decision.

The best they can do is make a hybrid system, whereby the questgiver or whatever, explains in short while handing over a letter at the same time with more description.

Now frankly i turn subtitles on, so yes i like words, but spoken dialogue is more easily taken in by the mind, which is perfect for most of the menial tasks in the game, though the consistency between each quest is a tad off.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:53 pm

And no, good books are not better than good movies either.

Every movie version of every book i've seen has been worse than the book. The movie is only good for when i'm feeling TL;DR :hehe:

Anyway, i agree completely with the OP. Voice acting is just a huge waste of money. Have the important dialogue voiced by your janitor and cleaning lady, leave the rest as text only and use the money and space saved on something that matters. Like increasing the quality and quantity of the writing :stare:

We are all on the internet, that proves all of us can read (it also proves most of us can write :teehee:).
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:48 pm


Movies can never portray as deeply as the book can because the book requires you to use your imagination. Not because the book gives more detail. You're filling in the gaps, which makes it "yours". Which of course is going to make you more inclined to say the version in your head is superior to someone elses vision of it.

On to the topic at hand.


You cannot be serious about this.....can you?

Do me a favor...
Turn on subtitles
Turn off the sound

Now compare the dialogue in skyrim to morrowind.
The only thing missing is the 'hot topic' 'gossip' crap.
Of which in morrowind, most everyone tells you the same things as the last person.
Hell most 99% of the people you talk to in morrwind have absolutely nothing to say
Yet you are given a whole list of options to converse with them about, yet they say the SAME EXACT THING AS THE LAST PERSON!
Until you finally find an NPC who's actually part of a quest and you finally see something new in the choices.

And you would rather have that, than having a game with considerably less NPC's but a higher quality to each one, instead of a bunch of generic dialog that you've seen 1,000 times already..
...than Skyrim, which is more or less to me 50% more quality NPC's to talk to, and they DON'T REPEAT THEMSELVES. (Guards being the exception)

So PLEASE ....be quiet.
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