Movies can never portray as deeply as the book can because the book requires you to use your imagination. Not because the book gives more detail. You're filling in the gaps, which makes it "yours". Which of course is going to make you more inclined to say the version in your head is superior to someone elses vision of it.
On to the topic at hand.
You cannot be serious about this.....can you?
Do me a favor...
Turn on subtitles
Turn off the sound
Now compare the dialogue in skyrim to morrowind.
The only thing missing is the 'hot topic' 'gossip' crap.
Of which in morrowind, most everyone tells you the same things as the last person.
Hell most 99% of the people you talk to in morrwind have absolutely nothing to say
Yet you are given a whole list of options to converse with them about, yet they say the SAME EXACT THING AS THE LAST PERSON!
Until you finally find an NPC who's actually part of a quest and you finally see something new in the choices.
And you would rather have that, than having a game with considerably less NPC's with a bunch of generic crap to ask them about.
Then Skyrim which is more or less to me 50% more quality NPC's to talk to, and they DON"T REPEAT THEMSELVES.
So PLEASE quiet.
They do actually repeat themselves, but at least it breaths some life into the world.