i don't know... i mean if people don't want to be "pressured" by a list of the available names, they don't have to read the list. great. then they are surprised. i mean, i'm sure there are people who don't even know this feature exists. but what about the people who are aware and excited? the people who would like to know their name (or the name they want for their character) is available without having to restart or something. how difficult is it really? i'm pretty sure they have to have a list of the names laying around somewhere. it doesn't make any sense for them not to. and how much time would it take out of their day to post the list online? not very much. like i said, they included it as a feature, recorded all these lines of dialogue, and then are just like, "ok knock yourselves out! the name you chose might not be an option, but whatever right? not really that big of a deal. why did we do this anyway?" i don't know that just seems weird to me.
maybe this is getting blown out of proportion. i don't know. maybe they will release a list, and we're all just getting worked up over nothing. and like you and everyone else said, PC players are probably going to have a list compiled really fast, so it doesn't matter anyway. i just don't get why BGS won't release it themselves. like i said, it doesn't make much sense no matter how you look at it. at least to me.
personally, i don't really care too much. this wasn't even one of the things i was excited about. it was just a thing they included that i thought was kind of neat. i already have my character's names picked out (i'm a pre-planner...) and i'm most likely not going to change them. unless, of course, a list is released and none of the name(s) i chose are on it, because i'd like to hear this feature used during at least one playthrough. i've picked pretty generic names just in case.