Slartibartifast's Texture fix?
Gah! yes, this is another one that I have loaded. However, it's not one of the seven.
Is that a Signy Signypost(!)?
So... small... too hard to see... but the text looks brighter than default, so there's something there.
I am obviously
really bad at this. Yes, I do have Signy Signyposts(!) loaded and I completely didn't see that when loading up the screenshot.
So, again another mod in there, you guys are probably going to find more than the seven mods I thought I had...
There is clearly something going on with that tree on the right.
The white border to the leaves? That's the leaf texture (from somewhere or other), I keep meaning to go through my textures and update them. However, I have (crap, just checked) more than 2GB worth in my "textures to check out" directory.
:celebration: Yes indeed, Xanondorf's Chapels of Vvardenfell (the Imperial building with a tower to the left of the screen).
So to recap, the seven I thought of:
- abot's Where Are All Birds Going? (bird in the air)
- Nedius' Real Wildlife (cliffracer nest)
- Darknuts' Greater Dwemer Ruins Volume 1 - The Sixth House Ruins (hazy view of Dagoth Ur)
- Xanondorf's Chapels of Vvardenfell (the Imperial building with a tower to the left of the screen)
- ?
- ?
- ?
And those others have spotted and I failed to include:
- Nich's Correct UV Rocks
- Jaxalot's Crosshair Pack II
- Slartibartifast's Texture Fix
- Earth Wyrm's Signy Signposts(!): Vvardenfell
So it's neck-and-neck, four mods identified from my list and four mods that I completely failed to pick up on.