I didnt think anyone would admit to wanting to bag a husband. Whatever floats your boat. I still think its more sinister and interesting when the fairer six have depth.
But I will make amendments just for you.
But I will make amendments just for you.
Er... you do know that there are, in fact, a fair number of women who play elder scrolls games? It isn't all blokes - although I get the feeling that women are under-represented on these boards. Possibly because they're not made to feel especially welcome :shrug:.
As for me personally, if I do get my character to romance NPCs, I tend to go for whatever NPCs seem the most interesting, and the most plausible for my character. So my Garret Hawke went for Merril (someone to protect) and my half-paragon/half-renegade Jane Shepherd went for Garrus (a tough fighter).
For Skyrim, whether my character romances a man or a woman, I reckon they'd be looking for a fellow adventurer, not a homebody. So, mage warrior or thief, they'd better be capable in a fight. As for personality, that's hard to say.
My Breton battlemage is likely to be a bit of a Robin Hood character - hot on justice but a bit hazy on the law - especially as it applies to small trinkets finding their way from rich families vaults into his pockets. So, a fairly easy-going thief would be a good match for him, one who'd always be ready to go on a quest together, but who also had her own shady 'business' dealings going on in between times.
My disgraced former imperial guard would be looking for a really good mage to watch her back and help neutralise any necromancers she may run into; because frankly magic worries her and she wants as much of it as possible fighting for her rather than against. She'd probably go for someone a bit creepy, who she could rely on to keep quiet if she... err... "used excessive force on defeated enemies" as it said in her dishonourable discharge papers :whistling:.