The car went through the ice on the local lake here in town. :celebration:
Why is that a good thing? It's an anual fund raiser for the Lions Club and a practice event for Fire Rescue. BUT, it means that the ice, and winter is finally done here. Some weren't sure that it was ever going to go. IN fact, opening day of fishing was pushed back a couple weeks up north because of ice still on the lakes (and late spawns). The family is oh so happy; my little boy has been watching his grass-hole grow for a week now! (when we got 12 inches of snow a couple weeks ago, he evened shoveled his grass-hole

And as I'm sitting here in a coffee shop, procrastinating on some grant writing, I'm overhearing a police officer chatting about another sign of spring: maple sap flow. The season just ended here, and 150 4th graders came out to the school forest to make maple syrup. It was a strange season, but we got about 300 (dumped 60 due to spoilage) gallons of sap which is about average. We shut down the boiler yesterday. Good times!
So, what does spring mean for you? What are its signs? Do you have any traditions? Come, share the srping sunshine!