» Sat May 28, 2011 1:46 pm
This is the layout I think it will be for X-box 360 (Ps3 users can convert to their appropriate buttons)
Left anolog stick: Move around
Right anolog stick: Look around
Toggle left anolog stick: Sneak
- Double tap UP using the left anolog stick to initiate sprint (another game did it like this but I can't recall which. Anyone remember?)
Toggle right anolog stick: Grab (same as Fo3)
Left Trigger: Left hand action button - attack, block, cast spell, etc.
Right Trigger: Right hand action button - attack, block, cat spell, etc.
Left Bumper: Change view (third person - first person. Same as Fo3)
Right Bumper: Dragon Shout (confirmed by one of the foreign mags I believe)
A: Select. Loot, open doors, etc.
B: Enters menu interface: Here you can choose to go to Inventory, Map, Skills, or Magic. ( confirmed by http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim/b/xbox360/archive/2011/01/28/skyrim-menu-system-overhaul.aspx )
X: Sheathe/Unsheathe Weapon(s)/Shield (if you want to only unsheathe one hand item press the appropriate trigger)
Y: Jump
START: Pause menu (The Journal may be located here now. OR it may be apart of our Inventory now as a weightless book. That would be awesome.)
BACK: Wait
UP on the D-pad: Favorites menu i,e quick select.
Then I assume the rest of the D-pad is used for hot keys.
There you go.