Now, before we get started: this is nothing like Knu's SSAO. His is more physically correct and very obvious. Mine is far less correct (the method is a total hack, actually, but I'm working on improving it) and much more subtle. Where his highlights the difference between nearby objects, mine does more emphasis on bigger gaps (although that's something I'm working on fixing). However, the trade-off is, where as his usually looks better, mine is far faster. 15-40 FPS lost vs 1-4 (on my systems). So, if you have power to burn, go with Knu's SSAO. If you can't, try this.
A few screens:
Effect on left, mask on right:
Effect on left, without on right:
As you can see, it's a very slight effect around the edges. It can be increased (darkened), but I have it setup how I like. I think it adds to the impression of depth without being in-your-face.
Will be on PES within a few days, hopefully, with a legitimate package. The FX file goes in MW\Data Files\shaders\default.
Requires MGE 117+, I recommend using 161 or later.
Usage is creative commons, non-commercial, attribution, share-alike.
If you'd like to adapt them, re-release your tweaks or use them, feel free to. You can put them in packs and compilations, just lemme know so I can email you of any updates.
I don't mind if you add a modified-by line to the code or change the author to say "original author" and credit yourself for tweaks, just leave the original header intact.
It's come to my attention that a couple shaders from the library were copied and used in the Oblivion graphics extender (they were ones I wrote from CryTek published source). That I don't mind.
However, the ripper removed parts of the descriptive header and replaced the author line with his own screenname. Not cool.
I have no problems sharing, but sharing doesn't mean I do the work and you take the credit.