so I then found a room where I could take them in grab mode and then duck down and add them to my inventory and decided to test fire them ...
of all of them the one that I liked most was the Laser RCW... fricken Tommy gun that shoots lasers whats not to love

so I reload my last save (gun I dont like chucking stuff about + the store looks cooler with a neat display)
and just took the RCW right off the table and then looked about one person looked like they were walking toward me so i dashed out the door with it then was gonna use my weapon repair kits Ive had on me since the beggining turns out thing is already fully repaired

so then I walk back in and no one even cares I ran off with one of there weapons with out paying for it so I saved
in all honesty I was expecting to be vaporized for that
so what have you done thinking would get you killed but turned out was really beneficial to you ?