As we know, stabbing for some strange reason is not in the game. I don't know why but it isn't. Now stabbing isn't very complicated; it is in fact quite simple. You lunge and stab. Not complicated.
Now after reading this thread . I was actually thinking and I said, this would be great. Now limbs will be explained in that thread. But as for here stabbing and limb damage is something I've always wanted in TES games.
Stabbing is, as we can all agree, a very used technique in swords. It comes so much to that, that musketeers swords were made for stabbing only. Now what I don't get is why stabbing is not in (And probably won't be) in TES. It would be cool to make a stabbing assassination move against an enemy (Anyone who's played Halo Reach knows what I'm talking about). Or just lunging and thrusing your sword/dagger inside your enemies chest would be satisfying as hell. As I am quite confident you fellow members of the community can figure how to perform these stabs. After all, my suggestion is your suggestion.
Alchemy was probably one of the most boring skills in Oblivion(I'm pretty sure everyone can agree on that). Nothing out of the ordinary but it would be cool to have an alchemy minigame, and you have a chance of failure and succession. After all, most science comes from failure. Who knows, maybe some new plants or materials can make specific potions to cure/buff some specific attributes.
Temporary knock down:
Please do not confuse knock down with knock out. This is for blunt weapons in particular, If you hit an enemy hard he/she may fall down. This indeed makes them immobile. But it only drops them to the floor as quickly as they get up. What this could be used for is finishing moves like lunging a sword inside your opponent while he's on the floor. Similar to the paralysis spells in Oblivion.
You know what I noticed about snow in oblivion? When you walk over it no footprints show; hell even mario was able to do it. This is self explanatory.
Thank you for anyone who has read this, and please take this into consideration Bethesda