- They're all quality games that gives you your money's worth.
- They're heavily moddable, thanks partly to Bethesda's construction sets and most of all, to the excellent ES modding community.
- They're unstable, subject to crashes.
Crashes. Some will say "quit complaining and either drop some mods or choose them more wisely". Others will nod and agreed that ES games are, to date, pretty unstable --- unacceptably so. Most are probably somewhere in-between.
Personally I was reminded today why I stopped playing both Morrowind and Oblivion (not at the same time, obviously). I just got tired of having to reload the game all the time, navigate through those badly designed [Oblivion] menus and try not to lose interest (hey, it's not like I didnt have other things to do). You install mods to make the menus less frustrating: you get more crashes. You spend some time trying to find mods that arent going to crash your game, and next thing you know, it's not really a game anymore, more like a chore.
Enough with the drama, though. It's just a game, and nobody's life is going to get worst for a crash or three. Morever, Skyrim runs on a different engine. But out of curiosity, just how unstable previous titles were for you?