hey guys I cant be the only person who's tried to follow the stables tutorial... http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4996-modding-workshop-my-first-stable/
Im stuck at the implementation of the extra script!
This quest for custom stables won't work for me.. I've gone through all of the tutorial til the part where you have to add the script
I added in this code just after the """END FRAGMENT CODE...""" part..
;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 7Scriptname TIF__051E8FB7 Extends TopicInfo Hidden;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_6Function Fragment_6(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor;BEGIN CODE;Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, horsecost.value as int)Alias_Horse.GetActorRef().SetFactionRank(PlayerHorseFaction, 1)Alias_Horse.GetActorRef().SetFactionOwner(PlayerFaction)PlayersHorse.ForceRefTo(Alias_Horse.GetActorRef())game.IncrementStat( "Horses Owned" );END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin commentFaction Property PlayerHorseFaction AutoMiscObject Property Gold001 Auto ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Horse Auto Faction Property PlayerFaction Auto ReferenceAlias Property PlayersHorse Auto GlobalVariable Property Horsecost Auto
but it constantly won't let me go into properties without errors. and then the property window appears, but as empty!
I'll link the images here that I screengrabbed from the creation kit..
I don't want to give up now that I'm so close to making this work!
any ideas???
I followed everything to the letter, I then had to use abit of ingenuity to fill in the blanks where you are to copy and paste the conditions etc for the Accept/Reject parts..
but I don't think I did anything wrong there. of course those conditions it tells you to fill in it doesn't say exactly if or not what to "tweak" in those few steps it kind of runs over.
However im sure someone knows a solution, or is experiencing the same issues as me, where the script don't add in the 6 properties that it is meant to..