Staff Magnitude Scaling

Post » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:24 pm

So right now I use a spell scaling mod (Mighty Magick), and it only seems to scale actual spells and not the staff enchantments. I swear it used to... I don't see any of my other mods altering staff enchantments or the perks that affect them. I do know I have a mod that removes the magic school association from a lot of enchantments but the staves aren't among them.

The Augmented perks still work with the staves but not the scaling perk, which is just the novice perk with mod spell magnitude for hascasting perk etcetera. I'm really perplexed. I even tried adding "magicskilldestruction" to the magic effect and making that the condition, but that didn't seem to work either. Was there an update that changed how staves are affected by perks? Is there something wrong with my save?

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Jason King
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Post » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:19 pm

Staves work via enchantments. What are all the conditions on the perk? Did you check each separate condition tab? There may be a condition that causes the perk to exclude enchantments or something.

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:16 pm

The conditions the mod originally had it set to were SpellHasCastingPerk NoviceDestruction, ApprenticeDestruction, etcetera. Those were the only conditions, I checked the perk owner and target tabs and there was nothing. Currently I have it set to EPMagic_SpellHasSkill Destruction and... well, that worked. It didn't at first until I realized I still had Truely Balanced Destruction installed to compare it to, which overrode the edited Mighty Magick scaling module.

Thank you anyway. I can't believe I overlooked that. reason I'm messing wtith this is because I'm hoping to make a mod where you "dual cast" through staves (meaning if you know the matching spell it increases the staff's power, though it costs you magicka). I'm probably not going to use a perk to boost that damage since it would require a separate perk for every individual staff, but knowing how to make it work with spell scaling mods is definitely helpful.

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