KING: kyler47 you are my son,( the [censored] ) sorry.....the prince.....go and lead your the beasts and creatures off our land!
KYLER47: but...but...sir dad.....they will stagger me...and i weally,weally don't like it,i want to hit them once so they die.
KING:my son.......PISSOFF! and learn how to fight! gone with you!
Sorry....i mean no's a joke

^^ hehe

KING: Learn how to use your shield and you will not stagger.
KYLER47: But sire, I use my shield, I block well, yet I stagger still.
KING: Dearest son. Yes, you block well. But it is a shield, the
last thing you do with a shield is use it to block a blow!
Certainly a shield may be used to block an incoming blow but in doing so you are asking your body to absorb the full force of the attack and you will at best stagger, at worst suffer a dislocation or break. The latter, an almost certain result of an attack by troll or minotaur, would equal instant death - realistic?
The correct use of a shield is to parry or deflect incoming blows, minimising any harmful effects on ones self and maximising the chance of creating an opening in your opponents defence, possibly having the force of their swing throw them completely off balance. Someone well versed in the use of shields will know all the angles, the twists and turns required to keep the angle of incidence as oblique as possible, the resulting force of the blow, calculated from the sine of this angle, is massively reduced - realistic?
Beths use of the word 'block' in relation to shield skill is totally incorrect but assuming they do mean shield skill then a high block skill should mean far less staggering - realistic?
So, your shield skill totally svcks and you are staggered for a second. Against a nimble opponent with a light weapon you are dead - realistic? Against a heavy weapon you may have time to recover, but a heavy weapon is more likely to cause a dislocation (=death) or a knock down and stun (=death).
As you can probably tell I have great trouble equating Beths combat with any definition of reality.