I love the light one, but for me I gotta have it with the greatsword on your back no helmet and with a bulky character. Its one of those armors to me that specific types can pull off. Women look good in it regardless though. Although I've only seen nords and redguards in it.
Not a fan, in fact it strikes me as absurd, but I'm pretty hard to please in the armour department. Pretty much only like fur armour, guard armour, or those robin hood-esque clothes. Forsworn armour is ok too, especially on females. I feel like saviour's hide would be good on a female but have only ever acquired it with male characters, and it unfortunately seems a bit effeminate on them.
Right now my latest white haired and bearded redguard, Archibald Fart, is wearing the brown robin hood clothes with elven guantlets and elven boots, looks awesome. Still waiting on his elven warhammer though, he's at a very low level. I'm finally making my lightly built two hander, am usually bulky two handers but archibald fart came to me in a dream, I imagined him gracefully leaping with his elven warhammer named "pegasus" and suddenly realised how cool a skinny little two hander could be, especially with white hair and a white beard.
There's an elven warhammer in a display case in jorrvaskr regardless of your level if you can get into it
I'm not awestruck by any means. Honestly, it's one of my least favorite armor and weapon sets. It just looks.... unfinished and primitive. I mean, I realize it's magical ice but it would look a lot better if it was honed to a smooth, sleek and shiny surface. Almost like a blue glass.
So, sadly for the lovers, I must vote... no.
I like it because its not like that. Its armor, and its practical. If it was all pretty and smooth, I personally wouldn't like it. Would look too elven. Like glass armor. Prissy.
I don't mean looking like Glass Armor. I don't favor that either. It could have been a lot better. As it stands, Stalhrim is right up there with the Fred Flintstone ( Dragonbone ) armor sets.
I guess that makes Stalhrim the Barney Rubble of the lot.
Coincidentally I also like that one. The less likely a wimperial is to wear it the better. Looks like something a nord would wear. Or in your case, a flintstone apparently. Good one. I'm a fan of the more rugged look though. My favorite however is Nordic Carved. Doesn't look elven or imperial at all, yet it is pristine and very masculine looking. Same for steel armor.
I think Steel Plate is one of the best looking sets in the game. Right up there with Ebony and my forever favorite of all... Daedric.
I do however, don the most appropriate armor for my current character. I mix it up with Heavy, light and clothing to get the right look. But as far as favorite " sets", I tend to lean to the heavies.
The daedric is sick, but its just way too dark overlord for me. Doesn't look right with my characters, except dunmer. Way too legendary looking. Same for dragonbone, but less so. I only wear that for special events.
Ha! Special events... I love it.
Still, I think they could have done a better job with Stalhrim. It could have been crafted to not look so... I know I'm being redundant but I can't explain it ant better. It's simply not completed. Then again I couldn't truly expect anything less than caveman craftsmanship for evolution starved tribe of hairy bottom ( females included ) frostbacks.
Hey, those same cavemen apparently craft Nordic Carved! I think. I hear you though. It just doesn't click with you.
I'm not the only one then. I think it looks terribly impractical. It's straight up ornate. Like the type of thing you'd wear to a parade or speech.
Edit: The bit about the glass armor.
Glass armor? Yea I agree. But that does seem to be the altmer style.
This, plus I just love Stalhrim armor in general
im thinking they mixed up the light and heavy, light look like it could withstand more dmg
It's alright, much like in MW how I didn't really care for it.