What are the requirements on where you can place stalls... I'm trying to place bar one in a building that I made for it... but It will only let place Drink Stand Three... Also it won't let me place the bar anywhere in my base...
I was able to fit bars, traders in buildings I put up for them.
Does it maybe touch your ceiling and therefore turns red?
do you have the relevant requirements to place it. like you need certain perks to place some of them
If I didn't have the relevant requirements it wouldn't show up in the first place... It's weird I have a big open area with just some floors laid and it will only let me place it in one certain place... I did mange to get it in the place I wanted by furiously moving around like a [censored]... I don't understand it myself...
yeah the game is still full of bugs, i never used to notice it as much but these days games are pushed out a little early and they rely on the community to find these bugs and report them, I'm sure there'll be a patch at some point to address a lot of things like this. I've also found that if i place shops to close together settlers wont stand at them but will still barter if you can find them. i also dont understand the Charisma +10 theory about settlers, some settlements like sanctuary or the castle wont allow me to send people to but others like the boathouse, a settlement i forgot about and went back to had 32 people there and only 3 beds. i sent them around the map to other bigger places with less people but the caste is stuck at 25 and sanctuary 18. My charisma is 8 so it seems the theory works at sanctuary but not others