[LF] Stamina Mod

Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:24 am

Hello guys, i'm looking for a mod that can alter stamina in a way that the more stamina you got, the more damage you imply, and the faster you swing your weapon.

e.g: 100% stamina you do 110% damage and swing at 100% speed, and it would get progressively slower at lower rates, e.g., at 0% stamina you do 30% damage swinging at 40% speed.

To balance the combat, the mod would probably have to increase in-combat stamina regen too.

And (assuming there is) would it be compatible with the combat overhauls out there?

If there's already a combat overhaul that does this, besides Duke Patricks, you can post in here too. Obviously, I would like this mod to alter NPCs aswell.

Another possibility would be to increase penalty only at 0 stamina, instead of being progressive.

Thanks in advance,

Fox out.

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Roy Harris
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