Seriously, ever since becoming enthusiastic about playing skyrim, I have always found the amount of stamina needed to even do basic combat moves, grossly overestimated. Obvioulsy when used in melee based characters, its utterly silly and poorly judged by the devs when building this game in the first place.
I also don't think the difficulty setting affects this cause' stamina is stamina, no matter what.
Take Shielding for example, it is the best offensive/defensive skill in the game, in equal measures imo. A big muckup with the mechanics is the amount of stamina needed for even just basic blocks.. when your character starts out on a playthrough, its like he's got the stamina of someone who is 100 yrs old already! totally bad value implemented here for vanilla game imo. Even doing power blows, without the perk, is ridiculous and over taxing in the fist place. Can't even run far without becoming completly drained of it. Its like your character is a chronic overweight smoker with serious medical issues surrounding his lungs and muscles.
I"m sure there is a mod to fix this or adjust it, but in reality, the vanilla game should not have had such an overestimation of stamina usage for such fundamental basic melee moves in the first place
How do other players who choose to create melee based characters feel about this?