There are many people who would say that Skyrim should be free, and there are also others who disagree, and believe that Skyrim should remain with the Empire. I firmly believe that the Empire is the better of the two, however, a few leadership changes may have to be made. Titus Mede II may be a good man, but he is a terrible decision-maker. Accepting the terms of the White Gold Concordat? Stopping the fighting after the Battle of The Red Ring? Allowing Hammerfell to secede? If Mede had continued fighting after Red Ring, he could have been able to beat back the Thalmor once and for all! After all, after the battle, they were just as weak as the Empire, if not weaker. But no, good ol' Mede accepted the WGC, and allowed Hammerfell out of the Empire. If say, a Septim Emperor were still alive, or even if the Head of The Elder Council were in charge (He and Mede's generals even advised him to take the fight to the Thalmor, but he didn't listen.) Things after the Great War would have turned out differently. The Stormcloaks claim that the entire Empire is to blame for the troubles, when in reality, it is one man; Titus Mede II. Other than this, I firmly believe in what the Empire stands for.