Standard Dialogue instead of Quest Dialogue

Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:28 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forums, so hi at first to everyone :smile: I'm quite new to modding in general and especially using the Creation Kit, although I managed to design and create my own cell (see below). Right now I'm having some problems with it.

I have recently been working on an island cell to make a little quest on. Basically it should just work like this: You'll meet a guard at the beginning of the island where you were left off your boat before (which you get to know via a text popup). The guard tells you to go see the mayor, but get some important papers from outside his house before, the house being up on a hill. The cell itself is already finished, as I said, I even managed to get some animals running around. The problem I'm having is that the quest dialogue does not work at all, which means the actor I created for being the guard just uses the normal standard phrases like "Good Morning" or "Yes?". I can't even get to the little dialogue box where you get to chose an answer.

I followed this tutorial for the making of the first part of the quest (which is basically just talking to the guard): Okay I'm not able to post a link here, it's bestinslots tutorial on Quest Dialogue (Episode 14).

At the end of the video, the quest is tested and the dialogue just works fine and appears in the game. Of course I changed some names of the actors and DialogueView etc., but I carefully watched that I got everything right. My dialogue appears to be in German, but I recorded my own voice for the actor so that shouldn't be the matter. I even tried changing Skyrim to English, but that didn't work either.

Do you have any ideas what could be the issue? I'm really desperate right now since I'm already failing at this very first point of making the dialogue. You might also want to know that I'm not really an expert concerning programming or scripting or anything like that. I only want to get this very simple quest running. I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys :smile:.

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Honey Suckle
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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:35 am

Because of the Adbots and Spambots, folks can't post links until they have been a member for a couple of days and made about 5 posts. Once you have done that, then you can provide links. However, you have to provide links to pics at places like Photobucket or whatever you use to cloud store your pics. Nobody can post a pic directly (imbed it in a post)

Now, as to your reason for posting, see this tutorial

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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:54 pm

Thanks for the answer. I'm perfectly fine with not being able to post links.

I already read the tutorial you suggested and it was nearly identical to the one I posted above. Of course I used my created cell instead of the suggested one. Does it make any difference here that it's an exterior cell? I went through the tutorial step-by-step again and it still didn't work. The actor just looks at me and says things like "Yes?", "What do you need?" or "Good morning". I really don't know what's wrong here...

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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:04 pm

Are you aware of the SEQ bug?

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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:55 am

Yes I am. I thought it only applied to the dialogue just lagging and crashing, but not to just no opening of the dialogue at all. I tried to fix it via cmd and in the Steam settings, but I did not get the .seq-file for whatever reason. After some googling I found that you can also just go to the location, save an actual game there and load that game. Works fine for me, too. Then I just did not hear anything and as it turns out I appear to be having a quite common bug, so I need to convert my files to FUZ-files. I'm gonna try that as soon as the Nexus-Servers give me a download-ticket :smile: I'll edit this post if it worked. I appreciate your help so far, thanks a lot!

Edit: Okay, I converted the files using Unfuzer and put them in the right folder, but the actor still does not speak. At least I can read the dialogue in the subtitles now, that's a little step in the right direction. But I still don't hear anything...

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