Yeah I don't mean to argue, but why would anyone NOT want to explore everything, get achievements, find all the special weapons, and generally speaking get the most out of your money? I did most of my challenges during my 1st playthrough while on hardcoe, and since then each subsequent playthrough I have been able to play through every quest line and option. Right now I am finishing render under Caesar and I'm down to my last four achievements. (I still haven't truly understood caravan...I wish there was an in game tutorial as every other card game I am aces [already banned from ALL casinos= 45,000 caps in my current inventory]).
It just makes me laugh to see people comment on portions of the game that aren't worth doing but still finding the time to flame on forums.

Ps. You get approx 1500 caps as a reward for legend of the blue star but there is an additional 300-500 caps in the factory itself (make sure to check crates even after you activate the maintenance robot).
Outside of nipton you'll encounter a girl and also a guy that are fighting over 6-9 caps. Some other good spots are around lake mead (underwater and floating docks 3-4) drivethrough outside of (and in) primm (3), and from Elijah himself (6).
I personally liked being neck deep in caps because you an refrain from looting/losing karma and have better chances getting Cass as a companion (she's such a byatch if you don't have high karma) and it makes repairs easier by buying doubles of special weapons ( sniper rifle).
just make ur caravan equal 26, or as close to it as possible, but dont go over 26 less is better than more i think..? i could be wrong on that. aces r 1. jacks remove and enemy card, queens reverse ur card direction, (eg. 2,4,6,Q,5,4. when normally u would not be able to reverse that direction, eg. 2,4,6,8,10.) kings double the card u put it on (eg. ace,K=2 or 5,K=10, or 3,4,5,K will equal 17 altogether.) not sure about jokers.....
now for a question of my own, say i kill a legionaire that attacked me, i take their stuff, i dont lose karma do I?