CinemaSins Everything Wrong With Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens
Even the genre of the movies has changed since ANH. Lucas originally said he wanted to make a Flash Gordon type movie for young people (i.e. teenagers), but now he's saying that it's a soap opera about a family aimed at little children. Again, the man can't seem to make up his mind, not just about the plot, but also the movies' target audience! He also can't seem to make up his mind if Star Wars are boring plot heavy talky movies or mindless action flicks. In the PT one moment we've got heavy duty boring talky scenes, the next we've got equally boring video game style action sequences with very little plot.
Yes, if we're going to have action sequences at least make them integral to the plot. Also, if we're going to have the movies serious then have them serious. Humour is one thing, when it's light humour between characters, but meaningless slapstick doesn't go with drama. The PT was schizoid. It just didn't know what it wanted to be.
But if you subscribe to the Darth Jar Jar theory then it all makes sense.
I think we can all agree that at least that was one thing that TFA got right
I don't mind the concept of midichlorians- from what I understand, they aren't the Force in itself, but allow the user to manipulate the Force. What I do mind is the whole "either you're born with it or you aren't" thing in a highly advanced science fiction setting, and in the old EU, the only groups that ever showed any interest in overcoming this hereditary limitation were the bad guys. Traveling to one end of the galaxy to the other is at most a short road trip, it's possible to build a moon-sized, planet-destroying battlestation in a few short years, but if you're not born with midichlorians, you'll never be able to manipulate the Force. Maybe it's just because it'd be considered transhumanism, which seems to be anathema in space opera settings.
The thing I found intriguing about TFA was the boneyard planet. Yes, it might have been a copy of Tatooine on the surface, but its history was totally unique. Reading about it was also a bit haunting as well.
I rewatched the first 6 movies after seeing TFA in cinemas over xmas. I must say TFA is definitely my favourite one, in my opinion the acting was very solid and the special effects didn't make the modern mistake of using too much cgi. Despite the story being a clone of episode 4 it was still a decent story/ intro to new trilogy.
That said the PT, despite its flaws, still holds a special place in my mind.
I'm holding off on rereading ASOIAF until the next book(s) are released, if they ever are.
I've mentioned this before, but one of the things I've got against TFA is the Stormtroopers. Not only do they seem short and dumpy due to them putting average size extras into the suits, but the design of the armour is pretty naff. It wouldn't have mattered so much if they'd gotten some 6ft plus guys into them, but the armour design is pretty basic. Take the helmet for example:
Then compare it with the original:
And both together:
You sure as hell can tell Ralph McQuarrie's dead, aye! The original looks like something a real soldier might wear, but the new one? The new one looks like a fancy dress replica of an OT helmet. The same goes for the suit. It looks a bit basic in its design. Like I said, it might not have mattered so much if they'd put some tall guys into them, but with a bunch of average "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" Joes in them they just look a tad comical, not at all threatening like the originals.
I'm listening to the score for ESB at the moment, then I go back to watching TFA and I'm convinced John Williams was asleep when he did TFA. TFA's score seems to be hardly there, quite unlike the in your face operatic score to ESB. For example, when we first see the girl fidgeting around for scrap parts inside some sort of machine, then leaves only to show that it's a wreck of a giant ISD, we should've had a ghostly hint of the Imperial March. That's what Williams would've done for the OT. To be honest, I don't know what he's doing. Whatever it is it barely registers as leitmotif.
Are you saying that it should be above reproach?
Well, if so then I'm not the only one to criticize the Stormtrooper outfit. Professional critics have said that they look short and pudgy. I think that's the main trouble, not so much the basic design. If they'd thought a bit more about who they put in the outfits then they would've looked much better.
An overview of Bloodlines and how it ties into VII and consequently VIII
Spoilers... duh.
You'll have to try it for yourself. I say that because I can't stand it, but a lot of people absolutely love it.
By the way, you have an awesome avatar.
I enjoy it. It's basically single player now where raiding and PvP is the only aspect of the game where you need to party. They also gave Operations (think dungeons) single player instances. Where you can enjoy the story of them without being rushed through with a group. They are giving a trial this month, a free level 60 and free access to the first chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Honestly my only dislike for it is the planets, they are basically hallways.
I started playing for the first time a few months ago. I think it's pretty good. I am playing both the Imperial and Republic sides. I enjoy being a Pureblood Sith Marauder. Oh yes, you get to choose from different races, something the original games lacked. Also each class has their own story. So far I am playing a Sith warrior and Jedi Guardian. I played a bit of the Sith Inquisitor side. So far my favorite planet is Korriban, it has an ancient Egyptian feel to it. Also it's pretty much a single player game which I like. I hate mmo's. Anyway you can try the game out for free.